Sunday, 17 March 2013

Week 25

Week 25 - almost half way there! I must admit this is not the best picture - they both look a little worse for wear.

Back to school and work tomorrow. Craig's official first day of being the big boss! Yay Craig! So proud of him.

That's it for today - Sunday seems to be always the hardest day to write.


GrmpaGrmma said...

No matter what they look like, we always think they are the best looking kids ever and love having the weekly photo of them. Your week of holidays went by very fast but I'm sure you had lots of good times together and lots of rest.

Hope your first day of being the big boss goes well for you Craig. You'll be a great boss! Also hope your week back to school goes well guys and before you know it, you will have another long weekend! Have a great week at work as well Shannon.

We have a bright sun shining, blue sky BUT -16 and with the wind chill factor, they are saying it's -34!!! Really, in a couple of days it's supposed to be SPRING! It'd better warm up real quick.

Update on mom - they had to cut her ring off this morning but she didn't get upset which I thought she might. She has a scrape on her elbow that they are attending to and the note written for yesterday afternoon said that she had been limping in the morning but by afternoon she seemed to be okay. Her fingers are still quite swollen and very bruised. Thank goodness she didn't break anything with the fall.

Not too much planned for today - might just stay inside and keep warm.

Hope everyone has a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

You are the two most handsome young men that I know, and your photos are always welcome.

Good luck with the office decorating Craig. Hope things get organized really quickly and everything goes great.

Sorry to hear about your mom Shirley. So glad she didn't break any bones also. It always seems to be a slow recovery when they break anything at their age.

Haven't found any size 15s yet Sterling.

Love to all