Sunday 10 February 2013

Week 20

The weekend is over already. I can't believe it. Craig and I had breakfast together this morning and then a too brief chat with mom and some studying. Sterling headed out for an afternoon with N and Kaedo cleaned his room. Once done that he and Craig went on a "photo safari" taking some snaps with Kaedo's camera. They are learning about it together. I haven't seen the pictures yet but they both have a wonderful 'eye' so I am sure they are great. I hope to get some posted on here this week.

I am joining the boys at their volunteer meeting tonight. I am not happy with some of the things I am hearing so I want to just check in.

We've heard a rumor it is supposed to  rain overnight. I am really hoping that doesn't happen. It will certainly be a good test of our new tires!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photo guys! Looking forward to seeing some of Kaeden & Craig's photos from today. With all that snow you have, I bet there will be some dandy ones.

Hope the meeting tonight goes okay Shannon.

Also hope that you don't get the rain they are predicting - does not sound good at all. Good to hear you got new tires for your car and I'm sure they will work for those slippery roads if they come.

Stan just came in from shovelling that white stuff again. Our neighbor from across the street did our front sidewalk and in front of the fellow who lives to the south of us that Stan cleans all the time - so that was nice. I told Stan that it was payback time for the times he's cleaned his. It really hasn't stopped snowing completely so shovel may have to come out again tomorrow.

Hope things go well for you tomorrow Shannon - wishing you all the best.


Denis & Irene said...

It's always the weekend here. Our friends from Lethbridge took off to San Diego for a three dayer, and we had a wonderful fire with our neighbors who are going to be our friends I'm sure. We have so much in common plus they live in a very remote corner of our country.

Sorry about the chat, crappy for sure. Thanks for your input Craig but the little clock keeps ticking. Keep taking those awesome photos Kaedo, you really have a good eye.

Love to all