Friday 8 February 2013

Snowmageddon 2013

To say we have snow may be an understatement. We are virtually stranded at our home. What was meant to be 10-15cm has turned into at least triple that. No school for the boys and that means that Kaedo has been out (as you can see) in the snow for the last two hours. He is having a blast with his buddy L. They love to play in the snow together. They are building forts.

Sterling woke me at 7 this morning says "mom, did you check, are the buses cancelled?" Should I mention here that I was fast asleep at the time? I got up, checked to see that yes, buses were cancelled, and he could go back to bed. He doesn't take the bus but we have a deal that if Kaedo can't go, Sterling is free too. He shut off Kaedo's alarms and went back to sleep. About an hour later I got a text from Kaedo asking if I could check if buses were cancelled. He didn't realize we were all at home!

On a side note - went to the dentist - he was great! What a nice guy. Really liked him. No cavities. My gums are reseeding a bit but everything is good. He said I need a mouth guard. When he told me you can't talk with them in I thought, Craig will hope I wear it all the time!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Glad to hear that everyone was at home safe and sound - good thing they had the warning out early so that you could make arrangements. Too bad the boys had to wake you up so early Shannon - hope you had a chance to go back to sleep. Kaeden looks so big out in the snowbank - lots of snow for big forts. We still have lots around here but today it is melting so the piles are slowly going down. Stan will have to get the pump out to put on the north side of the house again though because there is lots and lots piled up there.

Glad to hear your dentist appt. went well. Stan is also supposed to wear his expensive mouth guard at night so he doesn't grind his teeth - sometimes he wears it, sometimes not! I'm sure Craig would not want you wearing it all the time - what a quiet household it would be if us women didn't keep up the conversation!

Have a great weekend - love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

It's about time you guys got some bad weather. You're always bragging about what great winters you have, it's about time you joined the rest of the country. We aren't having a snow storm, we are having a sand storm. We invited people to dinner and we had to sit inside, the BBQ had to be surrounded by chairs and moved to the front of the motor home. The floors even sound like there is sand on them when you walk. We've swept twice today, next time will be when the wind stops, Tuesday they say. We aren't cold though, thank goodness.

We are supposed to go to Organ Pipe National Monument tomorrow but I think we'll postpone it until the weather is a little less windy and a little warmer, maybe duck into Mexico for the day. Our neighbor went to Mexico today to check out hearing aids. The identical ones that her mom purchased last year for $7000 in B.C, are $2700 in Mexico. Our other neighbor, whose father was a dentist, goes to Mexico for his dental work. He also gets his eye wear there.

This has been the coldest winter in this part of the world since 1988...I knew it wasn't my imagination.

Have a good weekend.

Love to all