Tuesday 26 February 2013


After starting to feel crummy on Sunday, then really feeling crummy yesterday, I was unable to get out of bed this morning. Having tossed and turned all night, getting up over and over - yuck!

After spending the day in bed - I literally spent until 2:15pm in bed, I headed to the walk-in clinic with the fear I was going to spend 3 hours waiting to see the doctor. I was very lucky and waited only 30 minutes. Yay!

He checked me out, told me I had a fever, sinus infection and pneumonia. Just my luck. Craig is going to go to Cost.co tonight to get my prescriptions. Also, I can't go back to work until Friday. It really sucks using your year's allotment of sick days by February.


Denis & Irene said...

You sounded so great on Sunday morning, Dad and I both thought so. Hope you get better really quickly. That means that you won`t get sick for the rest of the year if all your sick days are used up. It`s the same as if you have cheques, you must have money in the bank, right!! My keyboard has just changed languages so the proper punctuation is out the door.

We got up at 6 a.m. so we could have our lattes before heading into a Walmart in Yuma where the motor home was washed, de-oxidized and waxed. The Mexican guys do a great job but you have to provide the venue as they are truck and pressure washer only, no shop. The motor home looks like new. After banking, dumping, lunch and all the other normal things that have to be done, we got back to our ten acres around 3. Heading out shortly to meet some friends for happy hour at the Casino.

Yesterday`s adventure was a little more than we`d bargained for. It took us an hour to climb and boulder up the mountain but two hours to boulder down as we lost the trail and needed more than two feet and two hands to progress any further up. We climbed down the back face and then it was a good walk home. These are lava mountains, not your `Sounds of Music`kind. My butt is just one big bruise as I found it easier and less challenging to come down that way. Paralyzing fear I`ve heard about, now I`ve experienced it. Here, they say never to put your fingers into anywhere you can`t see what`s inside. That was really the only thing that kept us from a complete disaster. We`ll take a proper trail next time, not make one up as we go along. I didn`t think there were many lessons to be learned at this age....wrong!! I know that next year we will look on it as another excellent adventure, but not today and definitely not yesterday. Thanks Den, you really did save my life.

Mexico tomorrow for some shrimp tacos at a roadside stand that has had to put tables and chairs around because they have such a huge business. Cooked to order. Want to buy a couple of patio tables and then home for laundry as we are leaving for Parker on Thursday and laundry is a challenge there.

Still windy but warmer. Supposed to calm down tomorrow and get really warm in the coming weeks. We have lots of firewood so we have to burn it or give it away. A nice fire would be an awesome way to end our time in Yuma.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well Shannon. That pneumonia, once you've had it they say it is so easy to get again. As far as sinus infection goes - nothing hurts more. Stan and I have both had sinus pain for this past week but took over the counter medicine and are starting to feel better. Hope your medication kicks in real quick and you start feeling better soon. Feel a BIG HUG from us.

Reading the Blog the day of your oil change for the car - sorry Shannon, I couldn't help but laughing and I would have loved to have seen the expression on your face when the guy asked if you should call your husband. I can only imagine and it made me laugh. Hope the car got an oil change some place else for sure.

The weekly photo turned out GREAT guys. Kaeden - your new camera is working real well and you're going to be a great photographer someday. Good for you "guys" to have a night out together.

We've had a very busy week and few days and grampa & gramma got caught up on some sleep this morning. We had lots of fun with the little ones but I guess we try and keep up with them and realize it all too soon - we can't!

Denis & Irene - hard to believe you'll be heading north in such a short time - time sure does fly by when you're having fun!

Hope everyone has a good day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!