Wednesday, 27 February 2013


So, you all know Tulips are my favorite and I think I mentioned that last week or the week before I got my first bouquet of the year. I love them so. They still look so beautiful and I love how they lean toward the light shining in the back window during the day.

Last night I asked Kaedo if he would take a picture of them or one and this was one of the pictures. Man that kid really knows how to snap a picture. I have never been able to do that 'blurry background/sharp foreground thing' and he has mastered it.

Anyway, starting to feel better but still not great. Have to be back at work on Friday so I need this medicine to work!

Had some cuties here with me today while we had a snowday. Sterling's school was out of power and Kaedo's had only kids that there were no options for. Buses were cancelled. So, they paid for their free day by shoveling snow.  Boy did they shovel. Total packing snow, so heavy Kaedo was moving it with his hands.

Anyway, tomorrow back to school for both of them and I am going to get better!

By the way - 2 month extension on my contract! Good until April 30.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


After starting to feel crummy on Sunday, then really feeling crummy yesterday, I was unable to get out of bed this morning. Having tossed and turned all night, getting up over and over - yuck!

After spending the day in bed - I literally spent until 2:15pm in bed, I headed to the walk-in clinic with the fear I was going to spend 3 hours waiting to see the doctor. I was very lucky and waited only 30 minutes. Yay!

He checked me out, told me I had a fever, sinus infection and pneumonia. Just my luck. Craig is going to go to tonight to get my prescriptions. Also, I can't go back to work until Friday. It really sucks using your year's allotment of sick days by February.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Week 22

Well another week has passed and we are actually on time for the gnome pic, in part thanks to the kids.  Very thoughtfully they knew it was gnome pic day and to save Shannon and I from having to do it they set up  Kaedo's camera on the tripod and took the picture themselves, how awesome are they.  Today Shannon and I had our weekly outing for breakfast and then she went out with her aunt and since she may not get back until later I thought I would post for her.  As for the boys and I we went to the flea market for a laugh and are heading to the show in a bit, kind of a boys night out.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

You've gotta hate it when... go to have an oil change done and the merchant will not honor the coupon you have. When you start to question, the manager says, "maybe you should call your husband". To which I reply, "why would I do that?", and get the answer that he seems is fitting, "so that he can make the decision".

If you know me AT ALL, you know this is not the way to my heart. Hell, even my children know this does not make me a happy person. Needless to say, no oil change, AND no call to Craig. Are you frickin' kidding me? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. "Call your husband". Who even says things like that any more?

If the guy hadn't been sitting behind a desk I would have kicked him in the balls. How's that for calling my husband?

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Boo! - I didn't get the job I had been vying for. Oh well, such is life. I'm happy they found the person that is the best fit.

Yay! - I went to Costco today and bought a bouquet of Tulips (along with $97 worth of other things). Tulips are my ultimate favorite flower and I am always saddened when I think of how short their season is. I will definitely post a picture once they open.  Thank you Jessica for making it possible to get the tulips - you rock!

Boo! - It is very icy here on the sidewalks and Sterling has already fallen on the way to school once.

Yay! - I have another job interview on Friday!

Boo! - Kaedo's M.R.I was cancelled today because the machine had broken down.

Yay! - Tomorrow is Hump Day! (get your minds out of the gutter!)

Monday, 18 February 2013

Can we just pretend.....

...that today is Sunday? The holiday here kind of screwed me up and I didn't realize my error until we were on our way to the movies this morning. That's right, your read correctly - I hate waiting in line at the show and hate it even more when I don't get my seat. Yes, we have specific spots we like to sit in. So, my poor family is stuck often arriving close to an hour early to see our chosen show. In the age of cell phones with data plans, it's not such a big deal. I figure they can play games or text their friends.

We went and saw the new Die.Hard. Totally awesome, if you like incredible car chases, cheesy lines, great effects, tons of destruction and the triumph over evil. Which we do. I love me some Bruce.Willis. Awesome!

This afternoon is just getting organized for a shortened work week (yay!), Kaedo`s MRI tomorrow, Kaedo`s report card Wednesday, a visit with my aunt on Saturday and spending some time together as a family. That`s my favorite part.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

His View

Kaedo has loved taking pictures for what seems like forever and for the last few years he has talked about wanting his own camera. Not a point and shoot, but a true camera. Thanks to our family and their generosity, we were able to make his wish come true and buy him an excellent camera. He has spent time at school and with Craig, capturing shots that meant something to him. Here is just a selection of his beautiful work. I plan to enlarge some of these shots and make a collage of them in place of our 2011 family photos. I may be biased, but to me they are truly impressive. I wanted to show some of his best work here. 

Did I mention he took all the Valentine's Day ones as well (aside for the ones he was in, of course)

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to our families. Thank you for all the kind gift cards and email money transfers that were sent to the boys. Ha! What a holiday is all about when you are a teenager. They used their gift cards after school for fries and a soda at McDs, and Sterling bought himself a pair of $70 headphones after supper. Your money was put to good use!
We headed to BPs for our traditional Valentine's Day heart shaped pizza supper and were disappointed. We had ordered some pizza bread as an appetizer and it ended up that we had finished our pizza BEFORE it arrived. It was a bit of  gong show, so I spoke with the manager and expressed that while the server was nice and polite, he had no skill. We ended up with a $30 discount which I felt was more than fair on our $70 bill. For those of you who have mentioned that I do not put pictures of myself on here, here you go - that's it til next Valentine's Day.
The last picture is the funniest (to us) as Kaedo and I saved all our crusts and brought them home for Ketchup so he wouldn't be left out!
More posts lined up for the weekend. Sorry it is slow during the week. Hard to get to it when the day is so long already.
Once again - thank you everyone for the gifts for the boys. They were to have contacted you at some point today by some form of technology. I hope they did.
As for Kaedo, he wants a hideous pair of 'deafen yourself' headphones as well, so we will be shopping for those this weekend. I keep telling them they will be deaf like Amma, and all they keep saying is "what???"

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Week 20

The weekend is over already. I can't believe it. Craig and I had breakfast together this morning and then a too brief chat with mom and some studying. Sterling headed out for an afternoon with N and Kaedo cleaned his room. Once done that he and Craig went on a "photo safari" taking some snaps with Kaedo's camera. They are learning about it together. I haven't seen the pictures yet but they both have a wonderful 'eye' so I am sure they are great. I hope to get some posted on here this week.

I am joining the boys at their volunteer meeting tonight. I am not happy with some of the things I am hearing so I want to just check in.

We've heard a rumor it is supposed to  rain overnight. I am really hoping that doesn't happen. It will certainly be a good test of our new tires!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Did you Know?

By reading the comments I think it was safe to say my mom liked the last post I did like this so here goes:

Kaedo loves shrimp and other seafood but won't touch fish - can't stand it

I don't get up in the morning during the week until Craig has already had his shower and is well on his way to getting dressed

I sleep on the way to work (good thing I'm not doing the driving)

I would always rather buy a book than get it at the library

When I find an author I like I read everything she's written then move on. Why can't they write faster?

There are TV shows I'd like to watch that the other people in my house don't want to, so I don't watch them

We have ground beef in our freezer right now and when I open the freezer and look at it, I gag. I can't imagine eating hamburger right now. Weird. Maybe I'm I'm pregnant? Just kidding!

I haven't talked to my sister in at least 2.5 months - how terrible is that?

Even with today's technology and smart phones etc, I still use a paper planner

I hate when USA companies refuse to ship to Canada.  You'd think we were around the world.  Aargh!

Craig got his hair cut off and now he looks even younger, if that's possible

I'm already counting down to Family Day - pathetic, eh?

Friday, 8 February 2013

Snowmageddon 2013

To say we have snow may be an understatement. We are virtually stranded at our home. What was meant to be 10-15cm has turned into at least triple that. No school for the boys and that means that Kaedo has been out (as you can see) in the snow for the last two hours. He is having a blast with his buddy L. They love to play in the snow together. They are building forts.

Sterling woke me at 7 this morning says "mom, did you check, are the buses cancelled?" Should I mention here that I was fast asleep at the time? I got up, checked to see that yes, buses were cancelled, and he could go back to bed. He doesn't take the bus but we have a deal that if Kaedo can't go, Sterling is free too. He shut off Kaedo's alarms and went back to sleep. About an hour later I got a text from Kaedo asking if I could check if buses were cancelled. He didn't realize we were all at home!

On a side note - went to the dentist - he was great! What a nice guy. Really liked him. No cavities. My gums are reseeding a bit but everything is good. He said I need a mouth guard. When he told me you can't talk with them in I thought, Craig will hope I wear it all the time!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Thursday - yuck!

So why is it yuck? I have to go to the dentist tonight and that SUCKS! Really, really sucks!
To explain how much I dislike going to the dentist would take much more time (and space) than I have. Craig is so obsessed with his teeth, I think he secretly brushes and flosses after having his morning coffee.

I think the other reason I hate going is that I know I have a cavity - at least that's all I hope it is - so I would rather live in denial than go. How terrible is that?

Also, Snowmaggedon has come to our part of the world and everyone is freaked out. Obviously these people have never lived in Alberta or Saskatchewan. I don't think anyone has broken out their snow blowers yet here and I know for a fact my father-in-law is on a first name basis with his. I think he calls him Henry. We'll see how much snow it brings and then giggle and laugh, happy that we have teenagers who have to shovel. As my sister says, "bhahahahaha".

Lastly, I have been given the opportunity to have an interview for a new position within my company. That will happen on Monday. I am really hoping to WOW the interviewer and get this new job!

Well, I've put it off as much as I can, and since I only have to walk around the corner to go to the dentist, I can't use the weather as an excuse, I must go.

Happy Thursday All!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Tell me it's not only Tuesday.....

I guess I can be happy that tomorrow will be the middle of the week. Right?

All is well here. Craig is putting sheets on the bed (love that in a man), Sterling has just finished unloading and reloading the dishwasher, Kaedo has cleared the table, I have helped Sterling with his grade 10 course selection, and now we are all settling down to the last hour and a bit before bed. You see, I go to bed about 9pm (party hamster), and Craig and the boys usually get squared away about 9:30pm. Craig usually stays up watching tv or surfing but by 9 I just want to curl up under my blankets and listen to my book on my iPod.

23 minutes left....think anyone would notice if I snuck off to bed early??

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Week 19

I know I say it every week, "Yikes, week ........, already!" And yup, I'm saying it again. Week 19 - my oh my!
The kids are good, Craig is happy and I'm looking forward to sitting down and watching my first ever episode of "Downtown Abbey".

The Super Bowl is starting shortly, and Craig is already hibernating in the basement. He played football for about 4 hours this morning in a tournament. His team came in 2nd (Yay! Craig!).

I spoke with my mom and dad this morning and the boys and I spent some time the three of us. We then all went to Costco to pick up a few things for the week (like 8 litres of milk) and then came home to do this.

By the way - see the coat Sterling is wearing???? I have a picture of Craig wearing that coat pushing Sterling is his stroller when he was about a week old. Sterling loves that coat. Would wear it to bed if he could. Which he can't.

I'm off to play SkipBo with Kaedo . We're using GG's cards. They were part of the gifting that came to Kaedo when she died. He loves them. He's going to kick my butt, as he's one of those kids who just has an insane knack for card games, checkers, etc. I'm worried he will be a professional gambler when he grows up.