Many Sundays when we do this there are a few outtakes. Actually we usually always get 'the shot', the first go, but Sterling loves to bug Kaedo while Kaedo cries out "I'm being attacked by a bear, ahhhhhhh". This week I thought I'd post the outtakes because Kaedo's face in the third picture is just so hilarious.
The weekend has gone by much to quickly. Yesterday Craig had football. Sterling went to N's house for the day and Kaedo and I were on a quest for some Lego minifigures. We finally found them and he was thrilled to bits. After we picked up Sterling we headed to the gym. Yes, you read that correctly, our family has joined a gym. I know Craig likes to work out, but I think he really went for this to get me there. The boys are loving it and it is something we can all do together. Plus it keeps them off the streets on Saturday night - ha! We finished the night off with homemade pita pizzas (which is why we had to go to the gym) and watched some MacGyver.
This morning Craig and I went down the block (literally down the block) and had our $2.49 breakfast. We try to make it a weekly date for an hour on Sunday morning. We go at 9:30am and the boys aren't even up yet. It works out great and then no matter what the week is like, we can try and plan on making that happen.
I spoke with my mom and dad this morning and it was great as always. I had a list of things to tell my mom this morning and forgot one thing. As I am writing this, I remembered what it was and forgot again. Oh my!
We then headed out to see a movie - if we could afford it we would go every weekend - and then headed to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things.
The boys have their volunteering tonight - Sterling has already gone and Kaedo goes in about 10 minutes. Craig is watching football and I am reading a great but just a tad creepy book.
Lots going on this week and I am hoping to post a couple of things.
Stan and Shirley, we will be thinking of you tomorrow as you attend the funeral for that young man. I know his parents will gather strength from you as they go through the most difficult time of their life.
And I will end on a happy note - Kelly and Tica, we are so happy to hear you have the opportunity to take a holiday next month. I hope it is warm an wonderful. The boys will be in the best of hands with their gramma and grampa.
P.S. This is my 1392 post! I can't believe you're still reading