Tuesday, 29 January 2013

I've recently been told....

...that I'm too overprotective of the boys. Not sure what the difference is between overprotective and TOO overprotective, but I have to admit, I was a little taken aback.

I'll come clean now, and allow all of you to judge -

I don't let them take city transit

I don't let them open the door when we aren't home

I don't let them ride in cars driven by teenagers after dark or on the highway (at any time)

I don't let them see horror movies - or movies with boobs or excessive drugs - however I do take them to see movies of everyone getting shot - that one is screwed up, I know

I don't let them ride their bikes/scooters or toboggan without a helmet

They must carry their phones at all times

I don't let them come home by themselves after volunteering around the corner on Sunday nights

I don't let them swear in the house (I know they do it with their friends, I'm not an idiot)

This picture was taken May 25, 2006 - my how they've grown!

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Week 18

A bit different from our usual pose but it may very well be my new favorite. We had some emotions going on this afternoon and they did not want them caught on 'tape'. I told them to do what they wanted to do - but I had to see the gnome - and this was their choice. I do have to say, for anyone wondering, this is a true hug, not something goofy just for this photo. My boys truly love each other. They are each others best friend and when one is hurting, the other is there. Now don't get me wrong - there is nothing wrong anymore, it just ended up that everything occurred at once. I figured I would just roll with it.

Craig and I had a not so pleasant 3 hours (not exaggerating) drive home on Friday night.  We walked in the door at 7:48pm. Brutal snowstorm - awful.
Saturday was football and my chance to spend some time with Sterling. Kaedo and his good buddy Z spent the day filming a stop-motion Zombie Lego movie - sooooooo amazing!

Last night we watched some of the shows we had taped - one was so creepy I kept my hand over my eyes for much of it.  Problem is that the story is so damn good that I think it's got me sucked in.

This morning Craig and I went for breakfast then I came home and talked to my mom and dad. This afternoon was spent running errands and picking up some Valentine treats to send to the girlies and the littles. I had big hopes to get them mailed today but an urgent email from my aunt, "have just made donuts, come and get'em!" threw all plans out the windows. She let the boys pig out and even gave them hot chocolate. I think they may have been scarfing down my uncles after dinner snack, but I'm not sure.

And well, the weekend is almost over. It's 8:05pm and they boys are already in their rooms, listening to music and hanging out. Craig is upstairs watching tv or playing a game on his Playbook.

Tomorrow is another day and the 5 day countdown will begin. Happy Sunday All!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

So, did you know?

I never use a straw

I can't stand anything that has to do with zombies

I use my iPod to go to sleep every night

I put salt and pepper on almost everything - usually before I've even tasted it!

I love COACH! Love it!

Bruce Willis is my favorite actor - "yippy kay yay..........."

I talk to my mom every Sunday at 11am (so don't call me - I'll be busy)

I'm obsessed with the Royals - especially Kate - I love her - and Harry, and Wills..... hmmm

I buy lottery tickets every week

My favorite activity is an afternoon at the movies - it should be an hour at the gym, but it's not

I drink about 8 litres of water a day - and go to the bathroom a lot!

I follow about 14 blogs

I love celebrity gossip and check celebrity websites at least 10 times a day - stupid but true

I go for breakfast with Craig on Sunday mornings - just the two of us

I wear my gramma's rosary every day

I'm the only one in my family who uses a Blackberry  - the 'men' use Android

My favorite TV shows are Bones and Big Bang Theory

I'm always shocked if I'm still awake at 9:30pm

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


One of the blogs I follow, and I admit there are quite a few, posted this picture today. She was in a washroom in an airport, and this was on the mirror.

I am what doctors would call morbidly obese. Morbidly seems a bit like overkill when you follow it with obese, but that's what it is. I have struggled with my weight for many years and my amazing sister has fought tooth and nail to get me on track, with disappointment each and every time. But she's never given up. Never. These days Craig and I are working a program that she is doing along with mom and it is working so far. I must admit, working it with Craig is a bit like telling Kaedo he could stand to lose 5lbs. My husband is perfect, to me.

I guess in saying all this I want to say that I know I'm fat - there is no dispute about that, but I truly and honestly believe that the above quote is true. Even when (and I do say when) I lose the weight, I will never be model thin, I will never look like I did when I was 16. I hope to be happier, healthier and be around to see my children give me grandchildren. At this size, that is not a given. What is important about this quote is that it reminds us that in most cases others decide how beautiful we are, and when you are my size, you aren't beautiful at all. Allowing others to decide how we feel about ourselves, whether it be in your face or passively aggressive is wrong. Can we stand to lose some weight? For most of us the answer is yes. Different amount for different people. But am I beautiful? I like to think I am. I am a good mom whose children love her, I work hard to be a good wife, I try to be a daughter my parents can be proud of and a sister that can be called a friend. Those things make me beautiful, when the social norms or how big or small I am don't. I must hold on to that. MUST. Because if I don't, really, I have nothing.

image copied from stephaniehowell.typepad.com

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Many Sundays when we do this there are a few outtakes. Actually we usually always get 'the shot', the first go, but Sterling loves to bug Kaedo while Kaedo cries out "I'm being attacked by a bear, ahhhhhhh". This week I thought I'd post the outtakes because Kaedo's face in the third picture is just so hilarious.

The weekend has gone by much to quickly. Yesterday Craig had football. Sterling went to N's house for the day and Kaedo and I were on a quest for some Lego minifigures. We finally found them and he was thrilled to bits. After we picked up Sterling we headed to the gym. Yes, you read that correctly, our family has joined a gym. I know Craig likes to work out, but I think he really went for this to get me there. The boys are loving it and it is something we can all do together. Plus it keeps them off the streets on Saturday night - ha! We finished the night off with homemade pita pizzas (which is why we had to go to the gym) and watched some MacGyver.

This morning Craig and I went down the block (literally down the block) and had our $2.49 breakfast. We try to make it a weekly date for an hour on Sunday morning. We go at 9:30am and the boys aren't even up yet. It works out great and then no matter what the week is like, we can try and plan on making that happen.

I spoke with my mom and dad this morning and it was great as always. I had a list of things to tell my mom this morning and forgot one thing. As I am writing this, I remembered what it was and forgot again. Oh my!

We then headed out to see a movie - if we could afford it we would go every weekend - and then headed to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things.

The boys have their volunteering tonight - Sterling has already gone and Kaedo goes in about 10 minutes. Craig is watching football and I am reading a great but just a tad creepy book.

Lots going on this week and I am hoping to post a couple of things.

Stan and Shirley, we will be thinking of you tomorrow as you attend the funeral for that young man. I know his parents will gather strength from you as they go through the most difficult time of their life.

And I will end on a happy note - Kelly and Tica, we are so happy to hear you have the opportunity to take a holiday next month. I hope it is warm an wonderful. The boys will be in the best of hands with their gramma and grampa.

P.S. This is my 1392 post! I can't believe you're still reading

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Lego has always been  huge with Kaedo and even at 13 1/2 he still loves it and plays every day. He has over 50 figurines and I am sure 10,000 pieces. I kid you not. Lego is always his go-to activity and he is always excited to show off his creations. I think it is such a wonderful thing to enjoy as it is creative, calming and fulfilling. There are very few things Craig and I have said we would never get rid of. Lego is one of them. We hope one day, should we be lucky enough to have grandchildren, that they to will enjoy playing with the Lego as much as Kaedo does.

Monday, 14 January 2013

So sorry...

Craig received a very sad email this evening from Stan and Shirley about the death of a young man in their church family. As I read the email, I was so saddened to 'hear' the despair in Shirley's voice. I cannot imagine how a family rebounds from the death of a child, and yet I know both my grandmother's did. All I can say is I'm sorry. Shirley, you love with your whole heart, and if you say this family is truly one of the great ones, then I know it is true. While no family deserves to lose a child, it is that much harder when the family is so wonderful and only deserves the best things in life.

Please know we are thinking of you and we love you.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Week 16

Week 16 - Yikes!
Good weekend all around. Too much to do before going work tomorrow. Usually I get after Craig for not writing enough when he posts but I guess I'm pulling a him tonight.
Happy Sunday All!

Friday, 11 January 2013


The weekend is here, the weather is great and we have two days before returning to the real world.
Sterling is winding down at school as the semester comes to an end. He will begin exams in only a few short weeks. This weekend we will be busy working on his final Independent Study Project for his Academic French class. Did I say we? Yikes! I meant him and I. Did I say him and I? He so doesn't want to do it, that we have about 20 hours of work that has to be done for Monday morning. I have already told him that if he fails he will continue to take the class over until he gets a passing grade. He sits at a 75 now, so he doesn't realize my threat is hollow, but we still need to get this project done. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

Kaedo had a friend over today and they had a great time together. Z is a sweet kid. I hope they remain friends next year when they are no longer in the same school. Kaedo and Craig worked tonight on downloading some photo software as well as his camera software onto his computer. He has some picture ideas he wants to try out so we'll see if we can make that happen this weekend.

Craig has football tomorrow morning, so he will be off not so bright and early to do that. He's usually home about 1-1:30pm.

And finally tonight I had the opportunity to spend some time with my good friend L. We headed up to Star.bucks (thanks for the GC Jessica) and has two rounds of drinks over the three hours we spent there. I'm surprised they didn't kick us out. I guess that's why we kept drinking.

That's about it from here. Have a good weekend everyone.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Just droppin' in

...to say hello!
Tuesday and I think we are back on track. The kids are back into the swing of things at school. Sterling is working on a semester-ending large project for french, so we have been busy doing that tonight. Kaedo spent a couple of hours outside with his buddy in the snow, and Craig has gone to the gym.

The weather is quite good right now and we heard it was supposed to be +11 on Friday. You can't beat that.

I've lined up a Starbucks date with my pal L on Friday night (hope that works with my diet - maybe I'll save all my calories for the evening - ha!).

Craig and I are back in tattoo mode - which no one in our family understands. We have started thinking and the artist we would like to have do our tattoos books a year in advance. So, we must get our names on the list! sorry mom!

Jessica - remember your promise - two tattoos on your wrists! I plan now more than ever to make that a reality! You better get your scared on! Haha! I am not letting you out of it, either.

Safe trip to my sis and my girlies over the next couple of days as they make their way back to the frozen tundra - I'll be thinking of you guys!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Boo hoo hoo

We are officially done - in fact bedtime is now T - 2 hours. Lunch bags are out, our lunches have been made, clothes are ironed, mine are in the wash, backpacks are found, alarms are reset. It is impossible to explain how much we really would just like to hang out for a couple more days.

Today I had breakfast with my man, early before the boys got up then had my weekly chat with the best mom ever. Then we ran some errands, walked the dog, went to a movie, ran a couple more errands and now I'm doing this, Kaedo is waiting with bated breath to talk to Baba about some carving stuff, Sterling is playing on his computer and Craig is watching football.

And so our Sunday ends and a new week begins. Back to class, back to work.

Last but not least, this week's picture.

Friday, 4 January 2013


..... are officially over. Or so my gorgeous better half advised me on our date night tonight. Time has gone so quickly and he seems to find it hard to 'turn work off', so Black.berry checking etc occurs all week. I wonder who he learned that from? S_ _N?

I think the boys have had a good break, and neither of them want to return to school. Especially Sterling - he is hating the idea of the 30 each way walk in the cold. I do have some cute hats he could choose from to wear. They only have a little flower on them - ha!

Tomorrow Craig is going to football - first game of 2013. I have an appointment in the morning and then we'll see what the day brings. I think we'll got to the movies on Sunday and it will be back to early bedtimes. No more of this 2am for my handsome young princes!

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Shopping Anyone??? Yes, please!

Today we spent the day travelling to some outlet malls around us. When I say around, I mean about 90 minutes away. First stop was Coach! I had been saving Christmas money (ask my mom, usually the cheque would be in the bank on Christmas Day) and still had the cheque in my wallet. I knew what I wanted. To start the New Year with a new Coach purse and wallet. The outlet store is so good because everything is marked down. Today my purse was 30% off then 30% off then 10% off. The wallet was $20 off then 30% off the 10% off. I was only spending the amount I had been gifted, and I came in $2 under. I was concerned that Craig might not be happy with my purchase but he said he was, that's what the money was for.

From there we headed to another mall, closer to home (only 20 minutes closer) and we spent the rest of the afternoon looking for size 14 gym shoes for Sterling. Yikes! We found a pair, but I swear I am going to chop his toes off if he grows any more.

Kaedo was looking for a new bunny hug and jeans and he scored on both. He also bought a bottle of 'burn your face off' hot sauce.

Craig didn't buy anything as he is still reveling in the wonder of his new TV. He plans to buy a sound bar (yikes) and maybe a stand. I must admit, albeit begrudgingly that the TV is pretty good. MacGyver looks great on it! Hottie! Ha!

Tomorrow is doctor appointments and an afternoon with friends - and hopefully a haircut for Sterling. He's starting to look like a woolly mammoth!

I can't believe it is already Wednesday night. Only 4 more days of holidays!
Just glad we're together.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

What a Year!

Can you believe 2012 is over?

This year, I went back to work after a 17 month sick leave, mom and dad visited 3 times, the boys went to Washington DC, Stan and Shirley came and visited, Sterling started high school, Kaedo played his last year of rep soccer, Craig continued on his quest of playing 52 consecutive weeks of football ;), my brother in law and family got to spend a wonderful week at the most magical place on Earth, a friendship began with my aunt that has become very special to me, and my sister got settled into her new life.

We lost a very important person this Spring, my GG. She was an amazing woman and I still miss her very much. She is a part of my every day as I am still wearing her Rosary, as she asked. I can't help but think of her every morning when I slip it on.

We start family holidays today until the 7th, which is wonderful. I don't remember the last time we were all off together. We have no plans, aside from maybe a trip to the outlet mall (they have a Coach store - yikes!), but we will have fun hanging out, enjoying some time together.

From our family to yours, we are wishing you a wonderful New Year and hope that 2013 is everything you wish for it to be!