Things have been up in the air for me since my return to work (after a long leave) back in August. I have continued to work with my company, having been given 2 week, 3 week contracts and lastly a 6 week contract. Throughout that time I have looked for other jobs - permanent jobs - within the organization, with no success.
Today was the day. High hopes all around - even my direct supervisor and co-workers. Unfortunately I was told that a permanent position was not going to be offered and that continuing to look for other positions was the best course of action.
A bit of a downer, I must say. Many shake-ups in the department over the last month and I know that has something to do with it. The hard part is I am good at my job. Very good. Damn good.
So what does this mean? Well, I could very well get another 2 weeks, 4 weeks, whatever. Or, Friday I will be done with this 'career', finished. The hard part is, I might not know until Friday. Not a way to live. Nope, not a way to live.
Sorry to hear that Shannon. Definitely a bummer. Knowing you I am sure something else will come up that you are also good at. We will be thinking about you and wishing good thoughts.
Also wishing you all the best Shannon - you have always been one to give 100% of yourself to any job that you start - something will come your way soon. We love you very much and wish you the best of luck finding a job as well as one you enjoy.
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