Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Food Challenge - dare I say week 1???

We've been talking that the boys should learn to cook more than rice and ichiban and so I got it into my head today that I should give them a food challenge. Once a week they will have $20 to go to the grocery store and buy the food needed to cook that evening's meal. The only rule this week was no pizza and there had to be enough for Craig's lunch. The boys were up for the challenge and I even suggested maybe sandwiches to them.

Off they went, first to one store then to another, looking for the perfect meal. Once they had chosen it, it was time to come home and get cooking. I must say I had high hopes, hell knows Sterling comes with me every time I go to the grocers, whether I want him to or not. Also, they are able to figure out how much things cost to the last penny when spending their own money.

Anyway, we got home, anxious to see what was on the menu. And this is what we got - 12 chicken wings and 12 cheese sticks. Not each - for the four of us. To share. That's right folks, eat up, that's three wings and three cheese sticks each. I must admit, I found it hilarious. Craig however, not so much. When he gets home at night he's hungry and to be honest, we were both expecting sandwiches. Ha! The kids thought it was funny but agreed to give it another shot next week. I think it's a fun thing for them to do and it's good for Craig and I not to have control over the menu that one night a week.

The look on Craig's face told me he was never going to be satisfied with the wings and sticks so I baked some hot dogs to go along. All I could think was that this looks more like the snacks we eat at our Christmas Tree Decorating Party, not Tuesday night dinner. Live and learn folks, live and learn!

Monday, 26 November 2012

ho hum

Things have been up in the air for me since my return to work (after a long leave) back in August. I have continued to work with my company, having been given 2 week, 3 week contracts and lastly a 6 week contract. Throughout that time I have looked for other jobs - permanent jobs - within the organization, with no success.

Today was the day. High hopes all around - even my direct supervisor and co-workers. Unfortunately I was told that a permanent position was not going to be offered and that continuing to look for other positions was the best course of action.

A bit of a downer, I must say. Many shake-ups in the department over the last month and I know that has something to do with it. The hard part is I am good at my job. Very good. Damn good.

So what does this mean? Well, I could very well get another 2 weeks, 4 weeks, whatever. Or, Friday I will be done with this 'career', finished. The hard part is, I might not know until Friday. Not a way to live. Nope, not a way to live.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Week 9

Are we coming down to the last minute more and more? Seems like it. When you're gone too early in the morning and home after dark it is hard to get this picture in, but we are still making it. Barely.

The weekend has been very casual, much to Sterling's dismay. He'd like to be out busy all day both days but with me unable to drive and Craig at football all day - he was none to pleasant yesterday and had to be "grounded"off the X.BOX. That never seems to happen anymore so it came as a shock to both him and I!

Today Craig took him out for a while to get new binders and look for pants so he was satisfied with that outing.

Kaedo is more than happy to be at home all day watching movies, playing X.BOX, texting his friends. So, that's what he did.

Today Craig has watched football and the boys have done their thing all day. I have read and done the minutes for Kaedo's school council.

Very boring in our house but I am hoping to be more mobile next weekend.

Lastly - Bon Voyage to mom and dad! Wishing you a wonderful Winter full of exploring, memories, visits with friends both new and old. We will be looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! Don't kill each other travelling together! Ha! We love you!

Friday, 23 November 2012


Friday, oh how I love you. Kind of like how Craig loves Saturday, but for totally different reasons. I'm happy to be home with the fam, getting ready to watch a movie or tv shows we have taped through the week but haven't watched (can you say YAY! Big Bang Theory?). I don't know which show will be first, if that's the route we go, but Kaedo will pick Modern Family for sure.

Tomorrow Craig is heading out bright and early for three games of football, which he will either play in or watch, beer, cheering, bad mouthing each other and having a wonderful time sans wife, kids, girlfriends (I mean OR girlfriends, not AND girlfriends - ha!).

The boys and I will sleep in and hang out at the house as I am an invalid with this bum knee. They would like their dad to take them to the mall tomorrow but I think that's going to be a hard sell.

This weekend includes completing the minutes for Kaedo's school Parent Council (note to self - NEVER join again! - After 5 years I am so done.),  laundry, laundry and more laundry, watching The Amazing Spiderman, getting the gnome picture done, and writing out my Christmas Lists of what I need to pick up for the Littles (J & C) as well as for my boys and Craig. Did I mention he will be turning the big 4-0 this year? He wants a new TV. Nothing like thinking BIG. Did I mention I am totally opposed to spending one red cent on a TV when the ones we have work? I am waiting for the day I come home and the TV has miraculously blown a bulb, or whatever they do. Whatever happened to him wanting a tattoo? Now that's something I can get behind!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Boo Ya!

Report Card day for our first year high schooler. To say we are proud would certainly be an understatement. He just blew us away with his marks and the great comments including a very nice one from his Principal. So without further ado, Sterling's marks -

English - 83%
class average 73

French - 77%
class average 90

Learning Strategies - 87%  
class average 78

Math - 93%  
class average 72

He was so proud of himself and along with the Learning Skills grading (all Excellents except for French) and all the comments we are just beaming.

Not to be out done, Kaedo brought home a Test that he had in math where he got a '4'. The marks are on a 1-4 scale with 4 being an 'A'. He was so thrilled because he actually got the same percentage mark as the smartest kid in his class. So proud of him. He is really working on applying himself and he's doing great.

So, needless to say, it was an all round great day to be a student. Here's to many more marks, comments and happiness.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Week 8

No time for comments as I just want to get this posted before the new week starts.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Sterling's Birthday Weekend

We are celebrating Sterling's birthday this weekend with some fun with friends. He has two distinctly different friends who like like very different things. So because of that, we seem to be partying over two days instead of one. Today we will be going out for dinner and seeing SKY.FALL, the new Jam.es Bond movie with C. I love these movies. Even the older ones where there wasn't as much action.

Tomorrow Sterling and N and Craig are heading to Joy.Ride for a day of BMXing, pizza, chips and to much Coca.Cola. Craig will spend the day watching videos on his phone and freezing in the god forsaken place. Note to self - remind him to take a blanket.

Kaedo and I will get the opportunity to spend the day together - whether he wants to or not. I need his help so he's being put to work.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Monday night found our family back at EB.Games. Or should I say found Sterling and Craig back there. Sterling really wanted to participate in his own midnight launch and Craig was so awesome about going with him. They left about 6pm to pre-pay and waited in line for over an hour. They then came home and at 11:30pm went back out to the mall and stood in the cold and rain waiting for the launch. It took an hour and by the time they got home and in bed it was close to 1:15am. Talk about true love. We gave the game and its predecessor to Sterling for his birthday although we did tell him he couldn't play when he got home. Or play sick the next day!
The clerk at the store told us they had pre-sold 1800+ copies of the game and Sterling said there were piles of people there.
Amazing! I am so not into video games. At all. But the boys have been having fun slaying zombies and whatever else there is to slay. Gross.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Happy 15th Birthday STERLING!

How is it that we have a 15 year old son? Seriously, wasn't he just born? I remember so vividly (good word, mom) his 'Birth' Day. He was magic in my arms. My life was just beginning. I have thought about his birth a lot over the last week or so. What a ride we have been on. When I look at and talk to the 15 year old young man, I am overwhelmed at how amazing he is. Amazing! He is good and kind and respectful (except it seems to his french teacher). He is smart and gorgeous and generous. He is charming and loving - everything I ever hoped he would be. So, I guess that's that - he ROCKS and I couldn't be happier about it!
Happy Birthday to one of the loves of my life!
Happy Birthday Sterling! 

Anyone who knows my sister knows how very much she loves her nephews. She sent Kaedo a weird amount of money for his birthday in June and cranked it up a notch for Sterling's. She had us get a certain amount of change and then she wanted it unrolled and put in a box. I told her I wouldn't tell Sterling how much is in the box. He'll probably take 3 days to get it all counted! I can hear her evil cackling now!

Also - happy 4th birthday to our cutie nephew C, from yesterday. We love you. Have a great party on the weekend!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Week 7

Late one this week but better late than never.  Disappointing week for my nephews this week as due to Mother Nature they were unable to make the trek to Dis.ney.  Happy you could still find time to go in a few weeks and I'm sure the extra anticipation will make it even better.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Another sad one

Today I learned that a member of our extended family passed away. While he and his wife live on the other side of the world, they were both always very close in our hearts. He died quickly and I hope peacefully and he will be greatly missed by those that loved him.

They used to come from England when I was young and stay with us. He used to spend what seemed like hours at the time, making us giggle and laugh at all his silliness. He never made it seem like we were bothering him and he could make silly faces like no other. The last time I spoke with him was in July. I was in Las Vegas and he sounded like he always did, jovial and happy.

My mom and dad loved (love) him so much and today it was very hard to hear the sadness and crying when I spoke with them. I think it is even harder to hear my dad so upset. Why is that I'll never know, but it is, for me at least. It is times like today that I wish I lived around the corner from them, so we could have our own private wake for this man that has provided us with so many wonderful memories.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Church Bazaar

Saturday found the boys and I at a church bazaar at my aunt's church. We had no idea what to expect, but my aunt invited us, so off we went. We had a blast! It was so much fun and my aunt was so happy to see us there. She immediately gave the boys each $1 to do the penny table and then plied them with pop. We spent about 90 minutes there looking around, buying tickets for butterball turkeys, counting jellybeans and giggling at the items at the white elephant table.

At about 2:30pm we got a call that Kaedo had won a prize from the penny table. A $25 gift certificate. They told us to come by the church between 5:30 and 6pm. So off we went and when we got there they couldn`t find his prize.  He was pretty bummed. Hopefully it`s found this week.

Monday, 5 November 2012


This week brings up lots of busyness, which is always a good thing. Here's how the week is shaping up:

- Parent Council Meeting - why oh why did I volunteer again?

- Meeting the returning Manager to the team I currently work on

- Sterling has an ortho appointment and doctors appointment - both of which Craig is doing the driving - thanks honey - I love you!

- Kaedo NEEDS a haircut, so that is a must

- Bring Your Kids to work day is on Wednesday, so Sterling will be coming with us to work on Wed.

- A group meeting for me one night

- Football for Craig on Saturday morning

- Christmas shopping

- School and Work of course

I guess it's better than being bored, right?

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Fall Cleanup

Fall Cleanup was in full force yesterday at our house. We have a lot of ground cover in the front of our house and hostas in the back, so they all needed to be pulled out and bagged. The weather was cold but not too dreary and we got everything done in an hour. Mom - you`ll be happy to know that Kaedo cut the Weeping Mulberry back so it will be the length you like come the Spring.

Today Sterling spent the afternoon with his buddy C. They went to the movies and then had some volunteering to do. He said he really enjoyed himself.

Kaedo and I headed up to Mastermind.Toys to pick up C`s birthday gift. Our sweet nephew is going to be 4 on the 13th so we had to get him a cool gift. Kaedo picked out his card and we think he`ll LOVE it. I also started some Christmas shopping for my beautiful nieces as that has to be shipped by November 15 at the latest so mom and dad can take it with them.

Sunday night is upon us and I hope to sit down and watch one of the James.Bond movies that is on tonight. There is a marathon today and I already got to see one. The boys have In.teract and Craig will be watching football. His team lost today but I'm sure he'll be happy to watch whichever other teams are on this evening.

Friday, 2 November 2012

week 6

Week 6 - Too Cute!

Busy week for us this week - here's a look at it!

- Midnight Launch aka Geek Fest for Kaedo's video game Assa.ssin's Creed
- Doctor and Clinician Appointments
- A trip out for lunch with my aunt to a small town 30 minutes away only to find out that everything is closed because the power was out
- GG's birthday and a trip to the cemetery to see her niche
- Hiding out in the basement so we don't have to hand out candy to the three kids that come - you know they don't made bags of that amount for purchase in Wal-Mart
- A lot of late nights while Craig finishes the biggest project of the year - he even left early today!
- Plus School, Work, Homework, Video Games, a couple of TV Shows - Big Bang Rocks!

This weekend includes Craig doing some work, I have to get the minutes together for Parent Council at Kaedo's school for Monday, Kaedo wants to go to Wal-Mart, Sterling to Future Shop, and I need to get some Christmas lists started and organized.

Bon Voyage to my brother-in-law and his family along with my in-laws who are heading to Disneyland together mid-week. We'll be thinking of you!