Saturday 20 October 2012

Week four is a little late, but better late than never. The week was busy with late nights for Craig as he works on completing a huge yearly project for work. We have missed him in the evenings but he always tries to get home as early as possible. A few 8 o'clock suppers this week but its been good.

A family trip to the doctor one night. Scared our poor family doc, I think. Thankfully I was organized and had my list of concerns and questions all ready. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful doctor. I just love him.

A second interview for me for one job I had applied for and a first interview for another this past week. I am still submitting applications but learned on Tuesday that I would have a 6 week extension on my contract to allow me to find another position. After all these weeks of one week and two week extensions, 6 weeks seems like a dream. In saying that, I am hoping to secure a new position this week.

Today I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon with Sterling. We had a wonderful time together, as always, but missed Kaedo and Craig.  Craig played football, as usual, and then was home working (boo), and Kaedo spent the afternoon with a friend. He's quite the social butterfly this weekend, with a friend over yesterday and then out today.

Sterling also spent the evening out last night at his best buddy Ns house. Now he's talking to him on the computer while they are playing some Zombie killing game on the X.BOX.

Tonight a family movie, which I love and tomorrow morning one of my favorite hours of the week. A chat with my mom.


Denis & Irene said...

We've missed the blog during the week but know how very busy you are not only being there for the boys, but working and commuting also. The commuting game hasn't changed since we lived in the Montreal burbs, but we weren't raising a family at that time either. You both do amazingly well at handling everything.

You know how happy we are that you got a six week extension. The anxiety of living one week at a time at least can be prorated over six weeks this time. Good luck with your search, we know you'll get a job, we just want it to be the one you want. We remember how busy you were last year Craig, working on your yearly project. We're sure it will be all it can possibly be. Good luck with the finishing touches.

Great talking with you this morning, Shannon, as usual. I look forward to that time every week. I also love the unscheduled chats that we have every now and then.

Another great gnome photo boys, looking great!

Have a good week everyone.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Such great looking young fellows!!

Hope your project went well for you Craig. Wishing you all the best in your job search Shannon.

Beautiful sunny day here today - abit cool but better than that white stuff we saw when we watched the Calgary game yesterday. We just keep hoping it stays away for awhile yet.

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!