Saturday 6 October 2012

Week 2

Week 2 in all its glory. Sterling wearing jeans and a sweater and Kaedo in his shorts. I'm not sure who was dressed for the weather that day.

Sterling went out with his friends last night for dinner and a movie. His friends' brother drove them to the theater. To say there was a lot of turmoil surrounding allowing Sterling to go is an understatement. We made a deal that he could go with them in the light as long as they weren't going on the highway and that I would pick him up after the movie as riding with them in the dark was not going to happen. He was really good about it, even after his friend questioned it, so I was proud of him. When he got in the car after the movie he was so happy and just thought the whole night had been so cool.

It is very scary for us , this growing up thing, but we trust him and the choices he makes. As mom said he is a very honorable young man. Honorable, a good word for him.

Stay tuned for a funny post about Kaedo tomorrow. At least we think its funny!

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