Monday, 22 October 2012

Progress Reports

Amazingly enough, Sterling has already received his fall progress reports. I was shocked when he brought them home as he had only been in school for about a month. What I wasn't shocked about was how well he was doing. What we learned is that he is getting fantastic marks, his teachers love him and he is excelling both with his education and socially. He is loving high school and it shows. His math teacher told us he was her favorite student and his English teacher couldn't say enough good things about him. His Learning Strategies teacher has raved about him and his maturity and his French teacher said he is at the top of the class for verbal communication.

So, needless to say, we are bursting with pride and are thrilled things are going so well. He's amazing and we're so happy for him.


GrmpaGrmma said...

STERLING - congratulations on such a GREAT fall progress report. We are so glad you are enjoying high school and we knew you would do fantastic. We love you very much and are so proud of you and your accomplishments so far this fall. Keep up the excellent work!!

Denis & Irene said...

Yeah, Sterling! Finally, you love school. We know that you figured it would never happen but we're so glad things are going so well. Good for you, keep up the great work.

Cool here today but no snow. About five rigs left here this morning heading for the warm weather. We wish it was our turn to go but we'd never give up the wonderful summer holidays we had with both sets of grandchildren. November 27th will be here before we know it.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Love to all