Thursday 15 December 2011

week 12

Week 12 and all is wonderful here. It took so long to have this picture taken because we had a couple of sick days and a trip to the ortho delaying everything. Not to mention the rain.
It is pouring buckets here but I don't mind. Anything is better than the snow. I am loving having
mom and dad here and we have spent a lot of time together. The only thing that will make this
Christmas complete is the arrival of Jessica and the girlies next week. We are busy getting ready for
the invasion by buying, wrapping and planning.

As for the picture - I really love this one. The boys look happy and healthy. Kaedo has his huge
dimples out for all to see and even the dog is adorable. Sterling is striking as always.

Blog will be quiet now until next week with Craig's birthday and the gnome picture on Tuesday
and Wednesday. Have a great rest of the week everyone.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Cute photo and glad you got one after many trys.

Not too many more sleeps till the little ones arrive in your home - it will be a blast!

Have a great week - BIG HUGS TO ALL!