Friday 30 December 2011

Better late than never?????

Here is this weeks gnome picture - which was actually only taken today - many days late. This week the boys have coats on, which they didn't have on last week. It is a little cooler here. After waiting for the boys to wake up (10:30 and 11:00am), we headed out for a day of cheap retail therapy. First stop was Costco and some hotdogs. I had to order some prescriptions but the wait time was 5 HOURS. Needless to say, we continued on with our list and returned to Costco late this afternoon. We headed to SportChek for a return and some shopping and browsing for Craig. Next step was Old Navy because Sterling wanted a roll up keyboard and that was where Kaedo had gotten his. When we got there, there were huge signs saying "Buy 1 get one for a loonie". We definitely checked things out. We then headed to the bike shop where the boys were able to score some great deals - Kaedo got scooter wheels and pegs and Sterling got a new helmet. Everything was 25% off and no taxes. The kids were thrilled with their purchases. We returned to Costco, did our groceries and stopped on the way home to pick up Kaedo`s friend. The three of them are now geeking out in front of their computers. In saying that, I guess I should be saying we all are!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like you had a fun day! Mentioning that the boys slept in till 10:30 & 11:00 a.m., I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I looked at the clock and it was already 9:00 a.m. My plans were to get up and get back into the routine of Curves BUT last night when I hit the pillow, I changed my mind and decided to get back on track next week.

The jackets the boys have on - are they the ones you did the shopping for us - if so, they look great on them.

Sales after Christmas are the best ever. I think we should celebrate Christmas gift opening later so we can all pick up bargains. I picked up a few more things for our New Years Eve get together while shopping with my sisters today. It is melting big time here and everything is slushy and messy.

Plans are to tidy up the house tomorrow morning after having company & kids here through Christmas morning and after. Hope I get some ambition to do my cleaning and not sleep in like I did today.


Denis & Irene said...

Great looking jackets and they look great on you.

Sleeping in is something I hate but we didn't get up until 9 this morning and only because Avery hit us with her swim noodle. We'd probably still be asleep. She's so cuddly in the morning that we'd wake up at 2 if it meant feeling her arms around our neck. She shopped for flip-flops and sun glasses today with her mom. I did laundry and Denis and Emma swam at the pool. A great day of vegging but tomorrow we must get something more accomplished.

Love to all