Friday 23 December 2011

Craig's birthday

Craig celebrated his birthday on Tuesday with lots of fun. It was a wonderful day to spend together. We got up early in the morning and Craig opened his all his gifts with some extra special guests looking on. Great to have mom and dad here. After the gift opening and picture taking - which I was teased about - wait til Christmas, mom - craig took me to my group and then headed out to get his hair cut. After my group he picked me up and we went out to lunch for our favorite fish and chips meal. We did a little shopping, and then headed home so Craig could drop me off before his massage (must be nice - haha). Once he was done that we sang happy birthday and had a piece of cake. Mom and dad went out for dinner and we took the boys to see the new Mission:Impossible movie. It was fanFREAKIN'tastic. One thing Sterling and I noticed was how much Craig looked like Tom Cruise. Unfortunately for Tom Cruise, he's not quite as good looking as Craig.
All in all it was a wonderful day and I was so glad we got to spend it together.
Happy Birthday again Craig, I love you


GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photo of everyone and sounds like you had a fantastic birthday Craig! Perfect day for a massage - well anyday is a perfect day for a massage - we need more of them.

Beautiful blue, sunny sky again today - abit windy but once again no snow and the weather is supposed to be beautiful till after Christmas. We'll take it with all the families travelling.

Love you guys lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photo of everyone and sounds like you had a fantastic birthday Craig! Perfect day for a massage - well anyday is a perfect day for a massage - we need more of them.

Beautiful blue, sunny sky again today - abit windy but once again no snow and the weather is supposed to be beautiful till after Christmas. We'll take it with all the families travelling.

Love you guys lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

GrmpaGrmma said...

Not sure what just happened but message got sent twice!!