Friday 30 December 2011

Better late than never?????

Here is this weeks gnome picture - which was actually only taken today - many days late. This week the boys have coats on, which they didn't have on last week. It is a little cooler here. After waiting for the boys to wake up (10:30 and 11:00am), we headed out for a day of cheap retail therapy. First stop was Costco and some hotdogs. I had to order some prescriptions but the wait time was 5 HOURS. Needless to say, we continued on with our list and returned to Costco late this afternoon. We headed to SportChek for a return and some shopping and browsing for Craig. Next step was Old Navy because Sterling wanted a roll up keyboard and that was where Kaedo had gotten his. When we got there, there were huge signs saying "Buy 1 get one for a loonie". We definitely checked things out. We then headed to the bike shop where the boys were able to score some great deals - Kaedo got scooter wheels and pegs and Sterling got a new helmet. Everything was 25% off and no taxes. The kids were thrilled with their purchases. We returned to Costco, did our groceries and stopped on the way home to pick up Kaedo`s friend. The three of them are now geeking out in front of their computers. In saying that, I guess I should be saying we all are!

Thursday 29 December 2011

We`re Back!!!

Not that we`ve been gone anywhere. I`m using a house full of company as my excuse for not blogging but in reality it was just that there wasn`t any room on the table with all the electronics set up. haha.

We had a wonderful Christmas. There is something to be said about having little ones around at Christmas, however I must admit it was my screaming that was the highlight of the gift opening. I`m sure my neighbors heard me.

Everyone was spoiled and many wonderful gifts were exchanged. Some of the highlights included mom`s Coach purse, dad`s new watch, Jessica`s trip to Florida, Sterling`s iPod, Kaedo`s laptop, Craig`s Michael Chricton book and my BLACKBERRY PLAYBOOK!!!!!!!!

The boys had an electronic filled Christmas which included video games, a 23 inch computer monitor, a laptop, an iPod, and wireless headphones along with a year of XBOX live and some movies that only their anti would buy them. They received - we all received - so many wonderful gifts that I don`t know where I would start to describe them all.

OK - enough about the gifts - the family being together was magical. We laughed, we cried, we played lots of rummy. We ate great food - cooked by my mom - we celebrated 2 birthdays, the boys slept at the foot of the Christmas tree for a week, and the girlies brought a new and exciting dynamic to what our Christmas are usually like. They are beautiful, wonderful girls and I just love them to bits.

Everyone left yesterday morning and within the hour the tree was down and the furniture replaced. Nothing like the end of Christmas spirit. It is quiet here now and that is both a good and bad thing. Sterling is off to Joyride with Craig and two buddies to celebrate his birthday. Kaedo and I are hanging out at home and may sneak out for a lunch date. Mom, dad, Jessica and the girlies are slowly making their way to Florida and Craig is on holidays with us for another 10 days. I have so much more to write and photos to share but for now this will have to do. I hope everyone had a magical Christmas.

Friday 23 December 2011

Craig's birthday

Craig celebrated his birthday on Tuesday with lots of fun. It was a wonderful day to spend together. We got up early in the morning and Craig opened his all his gifts with some extra special guests looking on. Great to have mom and dad here. After the gift opening and picture taking - which I was teased about - wait til Christmas, mom - craig took me to my group and then headed out to get his hair cut. After my group he picked me up and we went out to lunch for our favorite fish and chips meal. We did a little shopping, and then headed home so Craig could drop me off before his massage (must be nice - haha). Once he was done that we sang happy birthday and had a piece of cake. Mom and dad went out for dinner and we took the boys to see the new Mission:Impossible movie. It was fanFREAKIN'tastic. One thing Sterling and I noticed was how much Craig looked like Tom Cruise. Unfortunately for Tom Cruise, he's not quite as good looking as Craig.
All in all it was a wonderful day and I was so glad we got to spend it together.
Happy Birthday again Craig, I love you

Thursday 22 December 2011

weekly gnome

I know, I know, I say it all the time but I LOVE this weeks gnome picture. They are both so beautiful and handsome and charming and wonderful. Can you believe by this picture it is already mid-December? The weather is beautiful, if a little rainy. I will take that every day over the snow. I believe we will have a brown Christmas this year but our house will be full of sounds of laughter and fun. The old and the young, playing and being together. Our first family Christmas. I can't wait.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

A Blast from the Past

Found these ads on "OH SO VINTAGE"s blog and had to share them. I remember having a dog slinky. I love the ads, even the sexism. What woman, at any time would have wanted a vaccuum cleaner for Christmas? I just can't see it.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Happy Birthday Craig

Everyone knows I adore my husband. To me, he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. He is the rock within our family and is always there to pick me up when I fall down (literally and figuratively - haha), to be a shoulder to lean on, to be someone to laugh with. He is the best dad - hands on 100%. He backs me up with the boys, handles things when necessary and provides them with the strong influence they need. He guides them, protects them and loves them fiercely.
He is the best looking guy on the planet, has the best laugh and finds the ridiculous funny. I love that.

So Craig, happy 39th my sweet love. I'm looking forward to the next 39.
I love you.

Thursday 15 December 2011

week 12

Week 12 and all is wonderful here. It took so long to have this picture taken because we had a couple of sick days and a trip to the ortho delaying everything. Not to mention the rain.
It is pouring buckets here but I don't mind. Anything is better than the snow. I am loving having
mom and dad here and we have spent a lot of time together. The only thing that will make this
Christmas complete is the arrival of Jessica and the girlies next week. We are busy getting ready for
the invasion by buying, wrapping and planning.

As for the picture - I really love this one. The boys look happy and healthy. Kaedo has his huge
dimples out for all to see and even the dog is adorable. Sterling is striking as always.

Blog will be quiet now until next week with Craig's birthday and the gnome picture on Tuesday
and Wednesday. Have a great rest of the week everyone.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

All is well

christmas 2006

After a crazy Sunday, mom and dad finally arrived and I couldn't be happier. We have spent a lot of time chatting and hanging out and have really enjoyed being together. It is always so nice when they come and the visits just seem to get better and better. We are now anxiously waiting for Jessica and the girlies. One week. Yay!

The boys are battling having to go to school every day as they would much rather stay and hang out with their amma and baba. I've promised them some extra time off for good behaviour next week once the whole fam is here.

Christmas shopping is well under way. I have Jessica and the girlies finished, mom and dad mostly finished, stockings done and now I just have to get the boys their main gifts. It sure is a lot different then those years we were buying Thomas pieces or RC cars. Now it's iPods and computers. Yikes!

Learned from Shirley that the gifts we sent the Littles have arrived. Glad for that.

Anyway - the blog may be a little scarce aside from the gnome pictures as there is lots going on here and I just want to enjoy every minute of it.

Friday 9 December 2011

Polar Express Night

Last night, I along with my parent council committee hosted a movie night to see the Polar Express. We had almost 300 people in attendance, 155 kids and lots of great volunteers who gave up their evening to help (my two munchkins included). It took a lot of planning and a very nervous committee chair (me) but it went off without a hitch. It was great. As a surprise we gave each child a bell on a red ribbon. They were thrilled, as were their parents.
Now I can move on to the next things on my list and just be happy for our success and giving the children and their parents an evening to remember.

Thursday 8 December 2011

week 11

Week 11 for these cuties.Both my hippie kiddos are waiting anxiously for their amma and baba to arrive later on this week. I must admit I am very anxious myself. Two weeks from today Jessica and the girlies will be here. I CAN'T WAIT!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

falalalala lala la la

I don't usually listen to music. I have enough noise in my head that I never need to listen to music to be entertained. HOWEVER, Christmas is different. I LOVE Christmas music, and with the help of my uber-talented computer genius son, he got me some great tunes. With him being grounded and not able to listen to his iPod, he has been forced to listen to my choice in music (much to his dismay). Right now I have got:

SHE & HIM - a very she & him Christmas,
BONEY M - Christmas with Boney M,
STRAIGHT NO CHASERS - Holiday Spirits (a great a capella band of 10 guys - fabulous)

I am loving this music - Boney M is a classic and always sounds amazing, She & Him has a real 60s/70s vibe and her voice is magical. Straight no Chasers is outstanding - what they do with their voices is fabulous. Josh Groban has a voice that gives me goosebumps. I was stressed about not having any Christmas songs but have accumulated a nice little selection (58 songs) with no Bob and Doug or Gramma got run over by a Reindeer to be found. I am at peace with my choices and like they always say - it's my iPod and I can play what I want. Someone might just ask me to stop singing.

Monday 5 December 2011

Christmas is on its way!

Christmas 2010 decorating party

We are officially in the holiday season. The reason I know that is because wrapping has begun. The boys and I spent some time this weekend wrapping and I can officially say that they have finished their Christmas shopping. If only I was so lucky. I am slowly picking items up here and there but still have a long way to go.

While Christmas shopping is well under way at our house and a big pile of wrapped gifts sits in our basement, there is no sign of Christmas upstairs. Our tree is still packed, our ornaments and decorations still put away. Why, you may ask? Because the girlies are coming! When I was growing up, decorating the tree seemed to be as big an event as Christmas. Music, treats, laughter. Dad stringing the lights then just sitting back and watching us load up the tree with ornaments. I have ornaments that I made when I was 5 years old. I have ornaments from my uncle that died when I was 4. These are treasures to me.

Avery, being only two, has never really had a tree decorating party, so this year we took a vote and are waiting for us all to be together and we will have one massive party that everyone can enjoy. This of course means that our tree won't be done until the 23rd. That's ok though. We don't mind. The hard part will be not taking it down when we wake up on the 26th! Jessica has already advised that the tree must remain standing and decorated until the 28th at least. Can this be one of her Christmas presents?????

Friday 2 December 2011


I saw this on another blog and it really struck home with me today. There is so much going on in our lives right now. Too much to even write about and it has been a very emotional week. I'm hoping things calm down but in the meantime, I am plodding along, trying to accomplish what I can and trying not to worry too much about the things I can't. I plan to spend a little time with a friend today. I'm looking forward to that. I have had a small setback with my mental health this past week so a little positive outing with a friend may just be what I need. The blog may be a little bare for the next few days but I will certainly be back in time for next weeks gnome picture.