Sunday, 13 November 2011

Happy Birthday Caleb!

Happy 3rd Birthday to our sweet nephew Caleb - we hope you have a great day. We love you.


KPJC said...

Thank you says Caleb. I am uploading pics and hope to get a summary of the weekend soon on the blog. The look on his face when he opened your gift and saw the football was priceless. Could not get it effectively on camera but close. Thanks a lot you guys. Hope all is well.

GrmpaGrmma said...

Home safe and sound and had lots of fun celebrating Caleb's 3rd b'day and watching Jacob's hockey game. Sounds like your weekend went well and the next one will be busy, busy.

We are off to play Canasta with Robert & Barb and Gord & Sandra - hope us girls win!! Talk to you tomorrow after supper.