Tuesday 15 November 2011

the aftermath

Sterling had a wonderful 14th birthday - thanks to everyone who called and texted - he was thrilled.
He went to school in the morning and I picked him up at lunch and we went for fish and chips. After lunch I took him back to school where he got all his "birthday beats" and "pinches". His name was even in the announcements.
After school I picked up him and Kaedo and his friend and we had slurpees and then headed home for some serious video gaming. We had supper - homemade pizza and tater tots (I did not pick the menu) and cake and then we took his friend home at 8:30pm. He had a wonderful day and just loved every part of it. I'm so thrilled we could give him a great day.
Blowing out the candles

card from us (with $25) - we had already put over $200 into his bike but I wanted him to have a little something today. After all it was his special birthday.

Pre-paid Mastercard, given to him by his friend C. He was thrilled!

His hideous cake - chocolate sour cream cake does not transfer well into a white chocolate cake. In my defense - HE LOVED IT!

I bought a balloon animal kit at Dollarama and the kids had a blast building dogs and popping balloons.

I decorated the house as a surprise. He loved it.

First picture of being 14. Usually he looks half asleep so this time he gave me the `wild eyes`.
It was truly a wonderful day and I was so glad that we were able to provide him with a small but fun party and a day full of smiles. He deserved it.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like your 14th birthday was a BLAST Sterling!! One doesn't have to spend a ton of money to have a fun day and you did a great job Shannon.

Home from Line Dancing, coffee and we ended up going out for lunch at the Legion with friends - scalloped potatoes and ham - good thing I Line Danced first! Just got home and Stan is going for a massage at 2:00, coffee at 3:00 and then to take his uncle to a doctor appt. at 4:30 p.m. Not sure what my plans are but there's always something to do around here - in fact my sister-in-law Barb just gave me a good book to read and that might be first on the agenda!

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Glad it was such a great day Sterling. The cake may have looked pathetic but I bet it tasted wonderful. I take all the blame for it's look as I suggested the white chocolate. I had just used it in some squares and it turned out great for my recipe, sorry it made yours look...less than perfect.

We hated the thought of you not getting anything on your birthday because of your bike, but you lucked out. Bonus!

The worst part about calling you in the morning is not finding out how your day went until the next day. So glad it was a perfect birthday.

Love to all