Saturday, 22 May 2010

This is what happens...

...when your kid's friends think you're cool. I have always lead by the example my mom and dad set - kids are always welcome here and they can stay for as long as I am willing to put up with them. Wednesday was no different. Sterling and Kaedo each had a friend over. It was really nice meeting another of Sterling's friends. He seems very nice. Josh was here with Kaedo but he is almost like another kid he is here so much. On the weekends they are virtually inseparable so we either have three kids here or only one.
Onto these treasures. One of kid's friends has spent quite a lot of time here lately as his mom and dad are getting divorced and he likes it here. He stopped by this afternoon and said to me,
"Sorry I missed your birthday but I got these for you".


GrmpaGrmma said...

What a considerate young friend you have - you must be pretty cool!!! Hope you're having a great long weekend - don't wake up too early tomorrow morning thinking you have to go to work. Hope we can connect on Skype tomorrow sometime.


Denis & Irene said...

Obviously he's happy to have a place to go where he feels welcome. Good for you Shannon, all kids sometime need a place to go that's not their home. You've provided that.

Got my two pots planted, tried petunias this year as last year's flowers were dismal in this wonderful climate. Emma and I did an impatiens plant for her pot yesterday. Impatiens don't do too well in the sandstorms and rainstorms that we get here but I'll put it under the awning at night for a couple of weeks and see how it does.

Did a trip to Lethbridge for Totem this morning. They were in desperate need of something so Denis volunteered me. I was back before 1 p.m. and since driving has always been a non issue, I was glad of diversion.

Love to all