Saturday 8 May 2010

Funny Face

Kaedo loves to pull funny faces so I just had to get these. He is so funny. Love the first picture!
Not too much going on this weekend. I will be working today and Craig has football this morning and the dentist this afternoon. The boys will probably spend some time with their friends at some point. Sunday I am looking forward to sleeping in, getting groceries and hanging out with the fam. Not too much more than that except for some calls to two very important women in my life and a visit to see GG.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

So, that's what you really look like Kaedo, didn't think anyone could be as cute as you look in most photos.

Looks like you boys had a wonderful time jumping on your trampoline in the puddles. Our puddles were ice this morning but there's not a cloud in the sky today, so now we're just hoping for warmth because that's not here yet.

Not much going on this weekend, it's Denis's weekend to work. He is really enjoying his hours and the work as they are more constant. He knows what days he's working for the rest of the summer.

Had a good day in Calgary yesterday, didn't leave there until almost 6 so it was a full day.

Love to all