Our baby robins are growing. They are so cute. I think it is very cool that we have robins in our tree. We have been lucky to have them a few times over the years. The one thing that always strikes me as weird is the fact that when the mom feels threatened by us walking past the tree, she flies away. I always wonder why she doesn't stay and protect her babies. I spend my life protecting my babes so it is weird that she doesn't. Aaah, to have a conversation with a robin and see what the hell she is thinking.
She's probably thinking what a weird woman lives in that house. Actually, they say the parents fly away to protect their young, figuring the humans will go after them instead of the chicks. I think we learned that on one of our nature hikes...then again it could be just what this weird woman thought she heard on a nature hike. Be glad she flies away. When I walked to work through the coulee a couple of years ago some birds used to dive bomb me every morning even though I was walking on the road. The nest must have been really close to the road.
Weather is cool here today..go figure it's the May long!! I'm amazed it's not snowing.
Not too much planned for the weekend. Mom's 91st on Tuesday so we'll be going to Calgary.
Love to all
The robins sure have grown since the last photo - pretty soon they'll be gone again.
We got home again safe and sound from our trip up north. We left on Tuesday in beautiful weather and came home today to much, much rain, cool and cloudy and it's to stay that way all long weekend. I bought a few bedding plants in P.A. and a few from Can. Tire here in S.C. so thought I might try and put them out. If I would have had them out today, they would have got flooded with the downpour we had. Everything sure looks beautiful and green now though with all the moisture. Our apple tree didn't have blossoms on it on Tuesday when we left but it's full today.
Have a fun long weekend together and we'll call you on Monday and leave you alone on Sunday.
Love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
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