Went to our last Waterfront Trail program this morning. The boys loved it. It was about cartooning. Right up their alley. They loved it and immediately went up to their desks to continue drawing once we got home. While they will never make their living as artists, they do a really good job. It was fun watching them tackle the challenge of working within the parameters set out by the instructor. These programs have been great and we have enjoyed 4 of them this summer. These free programs are really something and I will definitely keep my eyes open for them next year, if the boys want to participate.
The roof is almost done and I'll be glad for the end of the mess and pounding. It looks great so far. You don't realize how ugly orange shingles are until they put brown ones one! I'll post some pictures of the roof tomorrow.
You had orange shingles? They mustn't have looked too bad because I can't remember them for the life of me. Glad it's all getting done. Nothing worse then a bunch of guys with hammers pounding on your head. Hee Hee
Looks like the boys had fun doing something they love.
Looking forward to seeing the new look. Did any pictures fall off the wall from all the banging? Lots of ours were very crooked after the work was finished.
It was a beautiful day here today and Stan & I went out golfing!! We rented a cart and got on at Chinook around 11:30 a.m. I had a great game for it only being my second game all season. We had lunch at Chinook and came home for a rest and Happy Hour before supper. I was out with the girls tonight and Stan went for a long bike ride and visited his brother Gord & Sandra.
Take care and BIG HUGS TO ALL!
Glad the roof is almost finished. Great that you got a new one for just the deductible though.
It looks like you boys are really enjoying yourselves with your cartooning. I saw some Bone books today at Costco and thought of you standing in line for an autographed copy. They've just started carrying them I think as I've never noticed them before.
We look forward to seeing you in less than 4 weeks. We look forward to seeing Stan and Shirley on Sunday also.
I think I'll spend more lunch hours like today's, it was way better than shopping.
Love to all
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