Sunday, 2 August 2009

always, sometimes, never

Here's a fun one - play along if you want:

* have at least one book on the go
* take my water bottle with me to work
* drink (at least) one diet coke a day
*check my email at least 5 x a day

*can't find my keys
* go to Chapters to smell the new books
*lay in bed for a few extra minutes willing the clock to turn back a few hours
* start reading a new book and don't finish it

* willingly eat vegetables
* drink coffee
* go a whole day without kissing my kids
* go a whole day without telling Craig I love him

What about you?

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

*i always have one book on the go
*take my water bottle with me to work
*never drink pop, only water during the week and lattes on the weekend
*check my e-mails about 10 times a day

*i sometimes (mostly always) can't find my keys
*never go to Chapters
*get up before the alarm goes off
*have three books started and know they'll never get finished

I never eat a meal without vegetables
I never drink pop
I wish I 'd never have to go a whole day without kissing my kids
I never go a week without telling Denis I love him

That's as personal as it gets

Love to all