Craig is sick. really sick. I actually don't remember him being this sick since we lived in
Airdrie. He was supposed to work from home today but is actually in bed. I would get a picture, but it really isn't a sight you want to see. Kleenex, water bottle, Dristan, coughing, sweating, hacking, sniffling, nose blowing. Gross. Funny how it is so much grosser when it is your spouse and not your kids.
Get better, Craig. As someone who rarely gets sick I'm sure you're finding it extremely frustrating. Good health is the best gift in the world. We're thinking of you.
Love to all
Take care Craig! Sinus infection is not a pleasant thing at all to be sick with. Remember - you do have sick days coming to you - use them. Dad left the Research Station and had hundreds of sick days coming to him and NO ONE says thanks for not getting sick. When I worked at the Comp as well I didn't take very many sick days and didn't get paid for not getting sick. Where Uncle Gord works they do pay them out but not sure that's a good idea either because if you ever got sick or were in an accident - how would that work. Anyway Craig - please get well and BIG HUGS TO YOU!
We went to a BBQ last night and it's the first time I've been out since Sunday. I was quite nervous going down steps but it worked fine, it was getting back up them that I don't like at all. I'll have to check with Auntie Joyce to see how she does it after all the times she's had a cast on her ankle, leg, knee etc.
Mom and Auntie Linda are coming over this afternoon to have tea with me so that will be nice. Poor Gramma, she just can't figure out what happened to me and why did my bone break. It is so hard to explain to her and everytime I've talked to her she asks what happened. I've been her Care Giver for quite some time now and I think she's concerned what will happen.
Love you lots Craig and hope you start feeling better soon.
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