Tuesday 23 June 2009

Not too much going on here. Have a sick little boy watching a movie and I am just trying to break his fever. Went to the walk-in and there is a 2 hour wait. We'll try again later.
Look for a big post celebrating my favorite 10 year old on Thursday.
Hope you are all well,

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Sorry to hear you are so sick Kaedo. We sure hope you get better really soon. You've certainly had your share of illness in the last few weeks, klassens.

We are having beautiful weather, finally, sure hope it lasts. Not too much going on here although we never stop, it's way tooooo busy. Our travel bug has bit and we are trying to hold it back. We have some future plans but nothing for right now. The little trips cost lots and then you can't do the big ones. We really want to go to the Greek Islands and we're hoping we can do that next year however, the bug has bitten already. we may have to be vaccinated against travel bug.

Love to all