Saturday, 13 June 2009

pooools out for summer...

Although the pool is still filling (we are on hour 8 right now), the boys had to take a leap in the 13 degree water. Oy! They had lots of fun putting up the pool last night with Craig and I was able to get some shots of them this morning. They are so excited for it to finishing filling and warm up! Hoping the weather stays OK and we can catch a double feature at the drive-in tonight. Night at the Museum and Land of the Lost. Kaedo is in bed - sniffles and sore throat. Hopefully he will feel better this afternoon. Sterling is hanging out with a friend. I have Twilight on in the background, working on this and getting the menu together for Kaedo's party next weekend. Will fill in more of our plans for his last big party later on in the week.
Have a great Saturday!


GrmpaGrmma said...

WOW!! Not much yard to look after with all the fun things in it!! Looks like the boys will have a fun time together. Hope you feel better Kaeden. The movies you're going to sound great. Who will be the first to fall asleep before movies are over??

Kaeden's going to turn 10 in a couple of weeks - so hard to believe. I was trying to find a photo for something and was back in the 1999 album and Kaeden looked so little and now look at him. Love you to pieces Kaeden!

It's a beautiful day here today so I'll be hobbling out to sit on the deck - got to get a softer seat to sit on. Dad's changing oil on the truck so he'll be busy in the garage for awhile but we'll maybe go out for a drive later.

Talk to you tomorrow - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Your yard looks like it's loads of fun boys. The new pool looks awesome. We know you'll have a great summer season swimming and having a good time.

Our weather has finally smartened up, it's actually warm. We may be able to have coffee on the lanai tomorrow morning.

Emma's ballet recital was great. Nothing more amusing than 3-4 year olds on the stage in costume doing their thing. She was pretty impressed with the flowers she received.

Chuckwagon races here this weekend so hopefully we'll get to them tomorrow afternoon.

Love to all