Had a great time as always at the drive-in last night. Night of the Museum 2 was up first and then Land of the Lost. Night at the Museum was excellent. The Land of the Lost sucked. There were tons of people there. Sterling and I decided to sit outside for Night of the Museum, and we made it for about 1 hour and then had to go into the van as we were FREEZING! Squishing 2 medium boys, Craig and I into the front seats of the van is a little squishy, but so much fun. At least I get to hug whoever sits with me for two hours. I got some great pictures of them (as you can see). We got in at 1:59am. I have no idea what time the kids got up but Craig and I woke up at 11:29am when the doorbell rang. Yes, I know my mom is gasping, muttering "you've wasted half the day!" Oh well, that's what Sundays are for!
Great photos. You guys sure are good lookin' Yes, drive-ins are a lot of fun. We used to go in Calgary. They had heaters in the speakers so even in the winter it was fairly warm. It's a great family evening especially if the movie is good. I always found that by the second one it didn't matter how crappy a movie it was, as just about everyone was asleep anyway.
Yes, I'm gasping. We were sitting outside having our lattes at 8 am. The sun was shining and it was so nice and warm. My flower pots are beautiful and very colorful so we feel like we're sitting in a garden, which I guess we are.
Love to all
Sounds like you guys had a blast!! I think I would be the one that would last through one movie and be asleep first for the second.
We were also up early having our coffee but I didn't hobble outside. The sun is shining and it is beautiful here today - I told Stan he could go for a bike ride if he wanted. We did make it to church and out for lunch (sorry I missed your call again Irene) and when we got home, I've had my foot up and wrapped in ice pack. It's turned a darker black but swelling has gone down lots. I'm already anxious for next Monday to see how much weight I can put on my foot. I go to the doctor on Friday, June 19th at 9:15 a.m. and he'll probably send me for x-rays and we'll go from there.
We're invited over to Hank & Jewel's tomorrow afternoon to enjoy tea & cake to celebrate their 41st anniversary. It's supposed to be beautiful all week through to Thursday. This Saturday is the golf tournament that we signed up for that starts around 11:00 a.m. If the weather is nice, I'll be going along to cheer them on sitting on the cart. I'll maybe be able to drive the cart with my left foot!!
Talk to you soon -
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