Monday, 18 May 2009

Yo-Yo Ma-Ster

For the last few weeks all Sterling has talked about is yo-yo this and yo-yo that. In fact he has been diligently searching websites for his next yo-yo. Although this has been quite annoying to listen to non-stop, I gotta give the kid credit that he is a very good yo-yoer. Between the internet and another kid at school, Sterling has picked up numerous tricks. Here is a little video of his talents.


shannon said...

Hilarious! What a great yo-yoer. Craig - you really should give up your day job and start editing movies for a living. I really think you have the knack! Does any one else get the play on words - Yo-Yo Ma - STER?

Denis & Irene said...

Oh please, we are not that dense. Now if he could get the audience that the original YoYoMa gets he would certainly be a yoyoma ster. Nice tricks Ster, great giggle too. I agree with mom, dad's in the wrong business. We certainly got a good chuckle.

Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Went swimming today, feel quite waterlogged. Fun though.

Love to all

KPJC said...

Great tricks! Great Vid! But I am worried about "the Knack". I will post on our blog what I really mean about that. Hope to see those tricks in person this summer Sterling.

GrmpaGrmma said...

LOVED IT!!! Sterling - you look like a pro! Great video and also LOVED THE GIGGLE! Great work Craig - BIG HUGS TO ALL!