Wednesday 6 May 2009


Kaedo is home today. He had track and field at school and was going to be dispersed if he wasn't participating so he got the day off. He probably should have gone to school but he wasn't going to learn anything anyway.
I gotta tell you, he is such a kind boy. This morning's conversation went something like this:
Kaedo: "Mom, Scoops is open now, you know".
Me: "Are you sure? I thought it didn't open until the long weekend".
Kaedo: "Ya, me and dad saw the sign and it says 'Scoops Open', so it must be. Can we go and have an ice cream?".
Me: "Sorry honey, I don't have the money to treat you to an ice cream today".
Kaedo: "Mom (sigh), I meant can I take YOU for an ice cream? It's my treat".

So - off we went. A Simpson's Cookie D'Oh/Mint Chocolate Chip waffle cone, and a Creamsicle Swirl cone later our faces were messy and our bellies were full. Hard to let your kids treat but sometimes I think it's OK.

Now he's watching the Scorpion King now and keeps saying to me,"mom, watch this, mom, watch this".

Love this kid!

Hope your Wednesday is good and your weather is as great as ours is.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Oh my gosh - what a gorgeous photo of Kaeden!! Big kisses on those dimples from Gramma!

Our weather is not being very nice today, dull, very, very windy, and finally some rain. Yesterday the dust blew all day so it was so good to smell rain today instead of dust.

I'm just waiting for our company to arrive sometime this afternoon. Stan is at another dentist appt. I think when he gets home it's time for "Happy Hour".


Denis & Irene said...

Great photo Kaedo. Don't let those modeling agencies get a hold of you....0r do. Too bad you missed track and field though, was Sterling able to participate?

Love to all