Saturday, 18 August 2007

guess what...

Kaeden is participating in his first ever triathlon next Sunday. 100m swim, 5km bike and 1.5km run.
Go Kaeden!


Denis & Irene said...

Go Kaeden. We are sitting at a picnic table outside a museum with wi-fi in Gaysborough, N.S. Internet is very hard to find so we take advantage of every opportunity.

We are so happy for you Kaeden and we know you'll do great.

We miss you both but are glad you didn't come here for your holiday. No mini-golf, actually, not much of anything for kids. Lots of sightseeing but we know you'd be bored by all that. The campsites are not too well attended and there are no kids around that we've seen to date. It's all old people like us. We miss you both so very much and love you with all our hearts.

We are doing Marine Drive today, very scenic, we're probably one of only ten cars on the road. You can go for miles and see no one yet this is the only road in this area. Lovely little towns and wonderful people.

Love to all

Jessica said...

That is so awesome Kaeden. I'm so proud of you. Let me know how it goes.

KPJC said...

We are cheering for you Kaedo. Have fun and give it 100%.
Hey Craig or Shannon - in the previous blog entry when you substituted the f word why when i click on that link does it create a new e-mail message to Gerald Thiessen. Ironic??????