Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Pulp Fiction

20 years ago, last October 26, Craig and I went on our first date. We went and saw Pulp Fiction. A movie loved by some and hated by others. Whether it be because it holds a special place in our hearts or that it is a cinematic masterpiece, we have over the years watched the movie again and many years ago I gave Craig a large wood mounted poster (must have been when we celebrated anniversaries). The poster is currently hanging in our main floor bathroom. It has always been hung, anywhere we have lived.

On Saturday, Sterling took the train into T.O. with his buddy on his first solo trip. He loved it. They walked and walked and did some shopping and his buddy N (an amazing photographer) took about 200 pictures.

The most special thing that Sterling did was come across a record store and actually go in. The love of vinyl I hope is being handed down to my boys. So, what did he buy? Aside from looking around, as shown above, he bought Craig and I a copy of the Pulp Fiction soundtrack on LP. I was shocked and it is so amazing. I have priced out this album and haven't bought it, so I know how much of his hard earned money he spent. I am sure I have listened to it about 30 times since Saturday.

He is one amazing kid. Maybe I should start saying man.

And yes, I'm listening to it right now.


GrmpaGrmma said...

When we talked to Sterling, he told us what he had bought for his mom and brother - what a good son and brother!! Pretty special for him to find the Pulp Fiction soundtrack on LP - ENJOY!

Hope you are all having a good day - will be thinking of you on Saturday Shannon - it will be a very busy day for you, get lots of sleep the night before:)


Unknown said...

He's a shopper like his mom, that's for sure. He is so anxious to show Baba the surplus(?) store that he found when he was in Toronto. So glad he had a great day and that mom survived the anxiety.

I think I have internet sporadically so that will be cheaper Shannon. It is gorgeous here in Mexico but I do feel a little out of the loop. My Blackberry is toast so I put my SIM card in Denis's old Blackberry. It works but it's not as smart as mine was. His still works due to lack of use, however, at least it works down here. Our U.S. phone doesn't work as soon as you cross either border, it only works in the U.S.

Our 200 km trip on the El Camino del Diablo was a huge success, only took us 7 hours, which is pretty good. The desert had a huge rain the week before and there were huge bodies of water that we had to negotiate. It was truly all terrain, sand, lava rock, water, mud, small stones and lots of washboard. Only saw three people the whole way and they were border guards. Great fun!

Hope everyone's weather is bearable. It's much warmer here now than it was in November. Heading back to the U.S. on the 1st.

Love to all