Sunday 22 February 2015

Abbreviated Family Pix

Last weekend we had planned to go and get some family pictures. As it was -30, we decided against it and went to the movies instead. At the time we decided that we would go today. Unfortunately Sterling made plans with a friend without asking us with regard to the time, and ended up going with his friend instead of joining us.

As your kids get older, you have to understand that they will choose their friends over you, and today was the first real day that happened. In saying that, Craig and I agree that we will not put our plans on hold because one of the boys has other plans. Let me say right now that based on the adventure we had, I'm sure Kaedo wished he had had other plans as we traipsed through snow so deep we could have lost the G-Man. We laughed like crazy and froze our asses off but I think it was a good lesson for all of us. Life must go on, even when your children choose to no longer be a part of an activity.

We were thrilled that Kaedo wanted to join us on the little adventure and G is always happy to go along. I must admit, the trek back to the car was a little longer than the carefree walk to the tree but what can I say.

These pictures are both a terrific memory and a reminder that things change. I'm glad we didn't change our minds and went for it. I don't think we have another picture of just the three of us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos. You look wonderful, all three of you. Grover looks like he really enjoyed the photo op also.

Just came home from a 60 mile quad trip. What an awesome day. We went along the beach for 30 miles and visited the salt mine that used to be the biggest supplier in all of Mexico. We stopped for a picnic lunch at a place that is being refurbished by the government as a Wildlife Refuge and Education Centre. The only worker there was the tile layer and he was doing a wonderful job. Time got away from us and we had to come back on top of the dunes in some places as the tide had come in. We counted 10 dolphons that had beached and numerous pelicans and shore birds that hadn't made it. We also got a photo of a monkey shark, partial skeleton, and a really old sea turtle that had seen better days. All in all, it was a superior day and we're all exhausted. That sea air sure has a way of tiring one out.

Getting settled to watch the curling final. Hope to stay awake long enough to see the end of it.

Love to all