Wednesday, 14 January 2015

My Arch Nemesis (and the polar opposite)


While Christmas shopping with Craig I saw this adorable Storm Trooper Lego alarm clock (he's about 8' tall and sits and his arms move and everything) and casually mentioned that I certainly wouldn't mind one of these cuties as my morning alarm clock. Craig is deceiving in that you are never quite sure if he hears you, or is even listening, so things are always a surprise. On Christmas morning I was given this bundle of joy and promptly set him up next to my bed so that every morning I would wake to an alarm of ray guns or light sabers or some such uber cool Star Wars sound. Instead I am faced with an incessant beeping that would surely wake the rooster that lives behind our house (true story). And it doesn't stop until you smash him on the head 
(or I imagine throw him across the room).
My body has now programmed itself to wake shortly before the alarm just so I don't hear it it. Which I supposed means the damn thing is doing it's job. All I have to say about this is "curse you Darth Vader and all Storm Troopers that do your bidding".
Oh, and thanks Craig - I really do love him!


Now this guy is just so stinkin' gorgeous. And let me tell you - his looks have very little to do with that. He is kind, generous, sweet, loving and actually gorgeous as all get out. Girls are coming out of the woodwork and going to the mall with him is enough to make my head spin around. Do you know girls actually change direction and follow boys these days. Hell, we did it when I was young, but it seems much more blatant these days. As the mother of two drop dead gorgeous sons I am alarmed and dismayed by this turn of events. As a woman I am thrilled to see young women go for it. It's time we start doing the whistling. Well, not me - that would be gross. And I can't whistle. 


Unknown said...

Really!!! 8' tall or is that a typo. Gawd, I'm hoping for the typo. Although another tall man around the bedroom....well, let's not go there. Must say I love the sound of Darth Vader breathing. OK...too much sun!

Now this other guy is drop dead you realize that yet my boy? He also talks up a storm and we know it's so that he can beat his brother in the minutes department. You are both amazing to talk with however, regardless of how long the conversation is. I know you lost this week Kaedo but next time we'll just phone you and not Sterling, lol.

Where have you been grandma, er Shannon? We've been whistling since my generation and although I don't whistle well, I can catch the attention of the whistlee. That being said, I would never let on that I was whistling at that whistlee! Do you remember how loud and clear Auntie Elsie used to whistle? Two fingers on the side of her mouth and put in the ear plugs. She was amazing.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

That is some alarm clock!!! and especially if he's 8' tall!

What a GREAT picture of Sterling! Wow - not sure if it's possible, but he gets better looking every time we see a picture of him.

Hope everyone has a great day. Nice hearing of your travelling excursions Irene - take care out there!!