Friday, 23 January 2015

A bit of this, a bit of that

Thought I would post some randomness today as I have reviewed my Christmas pictures and they are all shit. So here goes:

Words to live by

Better words to live by!


This is what you get when your itty bitty grandsons grow up

A face only every 15 year old girl could love (and his mother)


Everyone needs new glasses for Christmas



* sources unknown for photos not belonging to me. Whoever posted them to the internet, you rock - thanks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha! Love these sayings, especially the last one. I keep telling people that and now they all believe me. Great photo of Kaedo (Mom, it's a face every 15 year old girl 'would' love, not 'could' love) and the glasses really suit you Sterling. When I look in the mirror I always see a tall, heavy set, no boobed old woman. I really like that picture of me, although I'm sure I'm taller, lol. No, you guys are definitely tall. I especially realize it when you rest your elbows on my head. I'm trying to think of a good way to trounce you both this summer. I know you're practicing your words Kaedo, and that is awesome. What is your challenge, Sterling? Wrestling is definitely out.

Denis went to help a friend with his motorhome this morning and I went to Mexico to get my hearing aid fixed. They said they'd send it to the factory in the U.S. and guaranteed it would be fixed but it's so old they'll probably give me a new one. I paid $1700 in 2001, they said this one would cost me $175. There is definitely something wrong with our dental/hearing aid/optical prices. Same brands we buy at home and Americans buy in their country, but sooooo much cheaper....and warrantied. No wonder it takes 2 hours sometimes to get back across the border. 90% of U.S. people that go to Los Algodonis do so for the inexpensive medicine (prescriptions not required unless it's a narcotic). Our Blue Cross is pretty good but I did get an antibiotic that was much cheaper than I could have got at home.

Heading out to friends' place for supper and a little gambling at the Casino. Hopefully, the guys will be finished their repairs by the time I get back there. My friend can spend all afternoon in the Casino but I can't as there is smoking and an hour is my limit. Never have that much money to lose either.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Love to all