Sunday, 11 January 2015

Welcome to 2015!

After some contemplation, getting through the holidays, two bouts of the flu and realizing I miss this little old blog, I decided it was time to return. My goal is to publish 4 times a week, or every second day, but I cannot promise. Hoping to provide more pictures and some fun going-ons about us here.

I thought I would share 15 things for 2015 and we could go from there:

1. Put a cork wall in the kitchen and loving it! Love to find cool things to hang up. Pictures coming later this week.

2. House is filled with flowers! Yay! Love working at a flower shop with owners that give wholesale discount to tulip crazed madwomen like me!

3. Starting back to college on Wednesday. Excited. Beyond excited. Will be taking a Children's Mental Health Certification.

4. Will be teaching children's programming and Fairy Garden classes at the store this Spring. *beyond excited*

5. Drinking lots of tea and hot chocolate around here these days. Set up a station of all the goodness. Pictures to come.

6. Spent two hours rummaging through Wal-Mart last night for fun. Haven't been in a Wal-Mart in ages. I'm a Target girl. It was across the street from where we had taken Kaedo for supper so we thought we'd go check it out. Not sure if we even got what we had been looking for.

7. Speaking three times this month on Mental Health Issues and their effects on teenagers and their lives. Looking forward to it. Back at it on Wednesday.

8. Why is it that when your children have a major falling out with a long-time friend, you also feel the need to break up with the parents? Solidarity?

9. Kaedo refuses to wear a belt. Trust me - that skinny minnie needs one!

10. Sterling is slowly sticker-bombing the back of his car. It's looking quite cool. For a ford wagon. lol

11. I tried to make my own porridge yesterday. Lets just say it wasn't my mother's porridge. Yuck!

12. Grover is officially the cutest, most fun, lovely, charming, playful and extremely groovy dog on the planet.  I lurve him!

13. The kids are heading into Semester One exams in the next 10 days. Yikes. Half the year, gone!

14. Sterling is applying for and OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) and we have our fingers crossed.  They only hand out a few in the entire province but it would allow him to finish grade 12 while going to college and apprenticing and the program and tuition etc will be paid for by the province. We are super excited for him and hope he gets it.

 We have high hopes for 2015 and hope you will join us in our adventure!

Welcome Back. I've missed you.


GrmpaGrmma said...

YAHOO!! Wonderful having the blog up and running again - all the best to you and we will take it whenever you have time!

Anxious to see photos of all you mentioned:)

It sounds like you will be a very, very young lady in 2015 - also wishing you all the best in all that you are doing - college, teaching, speaking, etc., etc., etc.

Wishing Sterling the best of luck with the OYAP!!!! That would be soooooo wonderful and how exciting for him.

Maybe Kaeden would rather wear suspenders!! Don't remember boys wearing or not wearing belts but they did have elastic waist jeans!

All the very best in 2015!! and will be keeping an eye on the blog.


GrmpaGrmma said...

Whoops! I meant to say a very, very, very BUSY young lady!

Unknown said...

Yay! A great way to be connected. When will you have the time? Happy things are going so well at work and TAMI and trust that the college courses will not take up all your 'spare' time. As for #8, it happens to most of us. It happened to us because you got a car, do you remember? Don't sweat it!

Cold and rainy here today for an hour or so. Never got above 16C. Will have to move further south.

Love to all