Friday 22 November 2013

Yay Kaedo!!

Kaedo has always hated school, which has been well documented here on the blog. So it is so nice to finally hear him speak so happily of his adventures, his friends, teachers and subjects. With a full core course load this semester (no options) of French, Geography, Science and English, he is a busy kid.

Needless to say, we are thrilled with the change in attitude, willingness to learn and school demeanor. He has always been well liked by classmates and teachers but the actual learning and doing has been tough.

Without further ado, I am thrilled to list his fantastic first term marks:

Geography 74%
English 86%
Science 78%
French 99% (no, that isn't a typo)

His French teacher had this to say about him:
"Kaeden is doing extremely well. All of Kaeden's work is excellent and often above and beyond what is expected. He is excelling in all areas. Kaeden has earned one of the top marks in the class"

Kaedo learned when he received his report card that he in fact had the top mark in his class.

So proud. Bursting with it! Yay Kaedo!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

CONGRATULATIONS KAEDEN!! Way to go - keep up the GREAT work. Very well done young fellow! Good luck with your report - hope we can find abit more information for you.

Have a great weekend - love you lots!