Monday 4 November 2013

week 6

What a weekend! Friday night found us at Swiss.Chalet having our own version of a wake for Ketchup. We told funny stories of him, laughed, toasted and ate good food.

Saturday the boys had the amazing opportunity to go to the new aquarium in T.O. with Amma and Baba. Kaedo took over 400 pictures and Sterling took as many as he could until his phone died. Sunday the four of them headed to Yorkdale.Mall for an afternoon of gawking at the fabulous stores and fancy people. They loved it!

Today mom and I had pedicures - hers to get her feet beautiful for the next leg of their journey, mine just to get my feet presentable! Sterling had his best bud over this aft to build a new computer and they had a great time. Kaedo and dad spent some Baba/Kaedo time together at D.Q. over ice cream and a trip to Bulk.Barn. So fun.

Tonight we are having mom's magical lasagna. Apparently once you eat this you will never eat any other. Looking forward to it. To be honest, I'm starving right now!

Tomorrow mom and dad are off and it will be extra quiet here with no Ketchup and no mom and dad. You get used to it, I suppose. We also have an old school friend here tomorrow morning having breakfast with us before he catches the bus.

Busy time and many other things to write. Will do so in the coming days.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

It's been a very fast two weeks with sadness and happiness. We have had a wonderful visit, great meals and great outings. The boys are wondrous and toooo much fun. Ketchup is missed however.

We're looking forward to the next leg of our journey but will miss the hospitality and the feeling at home atmosphere here. The supper table laughs and discussions were a highlight of the day. It was just great visiting with everyone.

We'll be thinking of you while we're in the upper 20s temperatures.

Thanks for the e-mail Shirley, it was great hearing from you.

Love to all