Wednesday 27 November 2013

What a Wake Up

This is what I found when I woke up this morning! What a sight! I must admit though, that it is only 0 - just cold enough to snow. When I took Sterling to school this morning the snowplows had already been through and the driving was easy (or as easy as it can be with three teenagers in the car). The snow is still here but will melt in the next day or two.

Lots going on over the next few days. I have a bazaar on Friday night and Saturday. Sterling is being punished and is coming with me on Friday and Kaedo has to come Saturday. Just joking - they actually don`t mind helping an old lady out.

Sunday they are volunteering at a Community Christmas event and then they only have two more extra volunteer commitments and will be done until the new year.

They have done very well and have made a lot of difference in our community. As an added benefit, Kaedo has already fulfilled his High School Community Service requirement (40 hours before graduation) and he hasn't even finished his first semester of high school. Yay Kaedo! Sterling will have completed over 100 hours by the end of the year and he is only in Grade 10. Yay Sterling! Brag much? I'm proud of those brats!

Friday is a PA so I get to spend the day with my guys - unless of course they get a better offer.

Until tomorrow,


GrmpaGrmma said...

Wondered if you guys got hit with the snow! Hope it doesn't stay around too long. We hope our winter continues to be as nice as it's been this past week. The temp tonight is -8 and it was quite nice all day today.

Busy, busy next few days by the sounds of it. Nice that the boys are helping you out. Great that they are doing all that volunteering! Looks good on resumes. Have a fun day together on Friday!


Denis & Irene said...

Yuck! We´re freezing here too and it´s 17C. Should be a lot warmer but we´ll suffer through it. Big rain storm here on Thursday night. We were going through the Strait of Gibraltar and I think everyone was up at 3a.m. due to the rocking and rolling of the ship. Docked to a beautiful day in Malaga, stopped for tapas three times and got home around 5. Taking friends out for ¨lunner¨at 3. They entertained us royally in Almeria before our cruise so we would like to reciprocate. Everything is wonderful and I can´t believe our trip will be over in 2'1-2 weeks. It´s been a fabulous time so far. Never eaten so many times in one day but I love it, we all do.

Have a great weekend.

Love to all