Sunday, 6 October 2013

While Manning a Tupperware Booth

The sheer gorgeousness of our son brought on the following text conversation with Craig yesterday:

ME: Sitting down having lunch and the two girls sitting next to me point to Kaedo and one says "I so want to do him". I said  "He's my son". They left.

ME: I threw up in my mouth.

CRAIG: Wow, did he hear it?

ME: Nope it was gross. I hate girls.

CRAIG: Did you tell him?

ME: No, should I?

CRAIG: Umm I don't think so. He already knows girls love him.

Did I mention that we were in the middle of a mall? Selling Tupperware. We had more 14 year girls flock that booth than H.&M has sleazy tops.

Did I mention I hate girls?


Denis & Irene said...

Ok this is too funny and just a hint of what is to come X two when the elder son realizes that girls think he's gorgeous also. Kaedo, you are so damn handsome no wonder this Is happening. I would have bought a plane ticket to see your face Shannon. Lol, I love it.

Denis & Irene said...

Ok this is too funny and just a hint of what is to come X two when the elder son realizes that girls think he's gorgeous also. Kaedo, you are so damn handsome no wonder this Is happening. I would have bought a plane ticket to see your face Shannon. Lol, I love it.