Thursday, 3 October 2013


On Wednesday nights the boys go to our local Y and participate in the Youth Leadership Corp. They are having so much fun. It is the highlight of their week. This week they were approached about actually volunteering at the Y. This would mean working with their advisers on programs with kids, youth basketball, supervision and lots of other things. They will also participate in outreach programs through the Fall and Winter like working at a Soup Kitchen, clothing drives, etc. We got their forms filled out today and were thrilled to get emails tonight saying they had been accepted through to the next step and are having their orientation in only a few weeks.

In our Province each high school student has to have 40 community service hours by the May of their grade 12 year. Sterling has 70+ now and by the end of November Kaedo will have all his. Their goal is 300 each. At 300 their can start applying for scholarships, etc. Plus your community service involvement looks very good on your resume.

I volunteered for 9 years on their elementary school council and held a variety of positions. I currently sit on Kaedo's school council. I think if you have the time, or can make the time, volunteering is a good thing. You don't ever want to volunteer doing something you hate to do, but I think if you can do it, it sets a good example for your kids. Especially in our case where they have no choice but to get their 40 hours. They will not graduate with out them. They have seen me volunteer and to a certain extent have seen Craig do so as well. While football is his true passion, they have seen him do more than just play the game. He sits on the executive, he goes to set up early, he stays late. It's good.

Let me say this - I am proud of my boys and what they are doing. To them it isn't a case of 'getting the hours'. Hell, Sterling doesn't need them and Kaedo won't by December 1st. What is amazing is that they love what they are doing. They feel good about it, are proud of themselves and each other. They are in this together. They volunteer together at all events. I like knowing that. On top of their Sunday volunteering they will now be working one day a week at the Y, are volunteering at a biathlon event on Sunday and will work with one of the Catholic parishes in December to do food hampers.

There is no pressure from us. We give them the information and they make their decisions. Some may agree with what we are helping them do, some may disagree. All I can say to those who disagree is find me another set of kids who are as kind and compassionate as mine. How can we not share them?

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

It's wonderful to volunteer when you enjoy what you are doing. I sat on school council for years and hated every second I was there. Then a "union" person told me that volunteering was taking a job away from someone. That gave me a roar.

Without volunteers, so much just would never get done. So happy that the boys enjoy all the work they put in. It certainly has a big impact on the people they come into contact with. What wonderful role models they are! Our park has started a very active program to make it more resort-like. They have engaged many members to volunteer in various positions. Luckily, I always seem to be busy when these meeting arise. I told them that my contribution was partaking in all the fun activities so that their hard work doesn't go for naught. Next year, I know I won't be so lucky. The threat is out there. The park really is a lot of fun this year and it is definitely due to the volunteers and our new managers.

We are so proud of you boys, but we always have been. You do yourselves and your parents proud. Your parents have always gone the extra mile and that's why they have perfect young men.

Love to all