Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Getting a huge project completed with Craig. We work well together and he makes me laugh. It took a long time but there is no one I would rather work with in that capacity. Thanks Craig - you rock!

De-cluttering our home. We always have a pile here, a pile there. I need to do some serious work in this department. Maybe get the kids involved??? I've started and got a major chore accomplished but there are many more on my list.

True Spring where I get to see knobby knees and no jackets every day. I love seeing my boys in shorts. I love pulling the cars off the driveway for games of basketball and hockey. The weather is still up and down here - although I'll take it with no complaints - but I'm ready and so are the men in my life.

To the sounds around me - the birds chirping, the breeze blowing, the kids laughing, my husband watching TSN on his cell phone. Just trying to be in the moment and be aware of what is going on around me. Listening to life!

Wishing for life to be just a little easier. I'm not asking for a lot, but a little. Wishing that my family was not dragged along the roller coaster of my mental health. Wishing for a few more smiles and a few less tears. It's coming. I can feel it. Who says wishing doesn't work??

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

What a lovely Post! We also wish you more smiles and wishing does work. We see the progression through your texts and phone calls. It goes slowly, but it goes and that's what's important.

I am presently in the clubhouse watching all these women "Walk away the Pounds". It really works because they all look great. I'm just sitting on my butt doing computer stuff. There is a two hour line dancing class at 10 that I may take part in. Water volleyball for Denis this afternoon, 50-2 hi low card game for me. I think I would have enjoyed a career as a professional gambler as I love the mindset of the people who get involved in these games. There's not much money involved and it's a lot of fun but as it gets down to the nitty gritty, it gets serious. I was one out of the money yesterday for both games but it was a blast. Have I said more than 100 times that this is my favorite resort on the circuit?

Can't accept that we have to head north on Monday. This is the first year that we haven't been ready to go home. We are looking forward to seeing family and friends however. We have a very busy summer ahead and these trips will have to be well planned so that will take some time to research. It's always nice to have lots to look forward to.

Hope the weather is wonderful for everyone. Hope it's even better next week.

Love to all