Friday 30 March 2012


The weekend is upon us and Sterling is heading to c's house at 5 to hangout and Kaedo is stuck with us old fogies making homemade pizzas and watching the Muppet Movie (can you hear Craig groaning?)
We don't have much planned for the weekend. The weather isn't supposed to be spectacular but it won't be too bad. Craig is playing football in the morning - only 2 weeks to the league season opener - Kaedo is playing soccer and Sterling will probably get together with a friend at some point. We have Science Fair projects to work on and homework help to give.

On a positive note - I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism today! Finally an explanation for why I am always so tired!!!! I'm not saying I want to take more medicine - as it is I'm a walking pharmacy, but an explanation is great news. I'm heading to my family doc on Monday for a review and prescription. Soon I won't have any excuse for falling asleep on the couch. Boo!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Good afternoon - we have an absolutely gorgeous day out today. We were playing outside for abit this morning and on the front deck, we could have sat and had our coffee but didn't realize it was so beautiful out. I decided I couldn't stand the living room window any longer and got out my ladder and cleaned it. I know it won't last long because the street sweepers will be out pretty soon and the dust will fly but for today, it looks so nice.

Hope you enjoyed your football this morning Craig. Sounds like the weekend will go by fast what with Science Fair projects and homework to fill it up.

On your positive note Shannon - hope all goes well for you and they find the right medication to get that straightened around. The falling alseep on the couch fits into alot of people's categories I'm sure especially if the sun is shining in and you've got a good book in your hand.

Have a great rest of the weekend and hope to catch you tomorrow. Stan & I are getting ready to head out around 3:00 this afternoon to the Klassen annual bowling party. Danelle organizes it. Then we will all go for Chinese food for supper at Casey's. Good thing we're bowling first or none of us would be able to bend over after supper.

Safe journey home Denis & Irene.


Annette said...

I'm going to ship Jeremy to your house! He loves the Muppets too, there is just something creep about them that I just can't enjoy them....

Annette said...

Oh, also I'm glad you found a reason for being so tired! My sister has that too and it's definitely noticeable when she takes her meds vs. doesn't take them.... Though naps are good too!

KPJC said...

Hi Shannon. Sorry to hear about the health issues but also glad that maybe you will be feeling better. Sounds like your boys (3) are busy. Hopefully Kaedo is doing well in soccer and enjoying it. We just finished hockey and now on to soccer. How did Sterlings history fair go? I lost track and did not know if he liked my ideas or went for a cooler one. We wish you good health and will talk soon.