Thursday 22 March 2012

week 26

Half way through the year! Week 26!
The boys spent all their after school time last night playing hockey and basketball with the neighborhood kids. They didn't come in until well after dark but I think it is getting a little cooler through the weekend, so I wanted them to have a chance to play. Kaedo was playing with his good buddy next door L and Sterling ended up playing with a little boy down the street that idolizes him. He's about 5. Sterling loves little kids and so it all worked out. Today again the weather is beautiful and the boys are in shorts and t-shirts. Hopefully they will take the time this afternoon and head back into the sun and enjoy.
Our new Shoppers Drug Mart opened across the street today so with my luck they'll want to go there!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Wow - week 26 already - it is hard to believe that in a few months the boys will be on holidays again. Sounds like they are having a blast with the beautiful weather you are having.

Is that Shoppers Drug Mart where that furniture building used to be on the corner across from the walk in clinic? Shoppers is so much fun to look through - they have everything!

It's kind of overcast here today but our temp. is +14 and not much wind so we'll take it. I went to Line Dancing this morning - still can't do all the dances with this knee of mine but it doesn't hurt quite as much. Stan went for coffee this morning, we did a few things before coming home and getting some lunch on the go. Stan went for a chiro. appt. and dr. says his muscles in his shoulder are very tight. I guess no more renos for awhile! Him and Robert are visiting mom K. this afternoon and then we're meeting friends for a quick supper and then to the Sky Centre for the S.C. talent show. It's been very entertaining these last few weeks and the finale is on the 29th of this month so 2 more contestants will be eliminated tonight. I feel sorry for the judges choosing which ones will stay. They are all very good.

Hope you all have a great day - BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!

Denis & Irene said...

Week 26, where does the time go. Sterling, your hair is curlier than ever, lucky you! Kaeden, you must have got my straight hair. It's wavy in Florida and poker straight in Arizona.

Just got back from a birthday party, what a crowd. The term "Arizona Room" really has a meaning when you have a party here. Enough room to sit 60 as well as the food table. Great people, food and fun.

Didn't golf yesterday or today as planned, just too hot. I love weather in the high 70s but this high 80s is too hot for me. Didn't do much of anything but still kept busy all day. Played card bingo last night which is always fun and the person calling the cards was from Kentucky, that was really a hoot.

Hope your weather stays nice.

Love to all