Saturday 10 March 2012


We're on day 2 of Spring Break and all is well. Kaedo took off around 1:30pm for his friend J's house. He should be home around 8pm. Sterling spent the morning playing video games online with J's brother, S. I could here him yelling at the TV from all the way upstairs. I noticed when he came up from the basement for some food that he was still wearing the shirt and pajama bottoms he had on on Friday. Those clothes may walk themselves to the washer. I can tell you one thing - I'm not going anywhere with him until he gets a shower!
Not to much else going on today except IT'S MY DAD'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Happy Birthday dad - we hope you have a wonderful day. We love you and can't wait to see you!

*** terrible picture but its the only one I could get of Sterling playing

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Happy Spring Break! Library is closed today so I'm sitting outside typing this. We are just on our way to do laundry and some groceries and trying to negotiate prices for some new tires.

Denis had a nice birthday celebration. We went to the market yesterday morning and stayed for hours, one of his more favorite places. We came home for a late lunch then went to the Q for Happy Hour with Pete and Ros. Did a little gambling then went to the Texas Roadhouse for supper. Came back to the Q for a while and then headed back to our desert haunt. We love it out there.

Off to Mexico tomorrow for hair cuts, teeth cleaning and lunch. Pete and Ros want to go and they have bikes, so we'll bike across and then won't have to wait so long to get back across the border. Must remember to bring the passports or we'll never get back into the States. Don't need them to get into Mexico.

The weather is wonderful today, around 25C, which suits me great. No DST in Arizona so now we're three hours behind Toronto and an hour behind Alberta. Just like Saskatchewan.

Love to all