Wednesday, 19 January 2011


On Saturday morning we got a pile of snow. The kind that is heavy because it is barely cold enough to snow. I made a deal with the boys that they could earn extra money by doing the shovelling and Kaedo was all over it. Sterling likes the prospect of earning more money but isn't really interested in doing the shovelling. Needless to say, Kaedo has more money than his brother. So, off he went, out into the snow and did a pretty good job of getting the driveway and sidewalk shovelled. Craig came in from football just as Kaedo was finishing and cleaned it up a bit but Kaedo did most of the work. He was thrilled to get $5 for his hard work.


Denis & Irene said...

Yuck, as much as it's lonely here right now due to everyone going home, we're so glad we don't have to shovel anything. Great looking jacket Kaeden. Nothing like earning a little cash as well as getting exercise, shovelling is definitely hard work.

Must be something big going down here along the border as the helicopters have been fast and furious all day and are still at it. Too bad you never find out what it's all about. Love the sound of those huge machines, and they are huge here at the Naval Base.

Didn't get any beachcombing done today as other matters got in the way, like a huge blanket of fog. Nice and warm but massive fog clouds hovering very low overhead. Didn't quite make it to the ground on land but did shroud the marina. Beautiful sight.

Last day here tomorrow, boo hoo! We'll probably stay much longer next year, this area definitely has appeal and loads to do. Meeting friends in Yuma early next week and catching up with friends and family that are already there. Weather is even better there but I like this ocean climate.

Love to all

KPJC said...

I feel your pain Kaedo!!! I will show you the misery I have had to shovel this year on my blog. People here say it makes us stronger . . . I am not sure??? Good job helping dad out , I am sure he appreciated it.