Tuesday 4 January 2011

New Year's Pictures

Here are some shots from our New Year's photo shoot. As I mentioned in a previous post - the one of all of us isn't great, so I sort of blurred it so my third chin didn't show quite as much. For all of you who like your pictures unaltered - too bad. Love the ones of us with the boys and it was nice to get one of Craig and I. The boys did a great job getting pictures. If you want copies of any of them let me know which and the size and I will print them and send them to you. No pressure! Ha!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Great photos!!! Here's our request for photos - one of each would be wonderful in 4x6 size - THANKS!!

Just got home from Line Dancing and Stan's off to his first game of hockey since early December - I'm sure "his" chair will be used lots this afternoon!

Linda is picking me up at 1:00 today and we're going over to take down Christmas decorations at mom's.

Hope you're all having a great day - love you lots - BIG HUGS TO ALL!