The newest obsession is here. Tech Decks. Let me re-phrase. The semi-new obsession is back. The boys were really into these finger skateboards sometime last year and now they are back to them. They have spent every cent they have collecting these things and as far as I'm concerned it is money well spent. They have spent hours playing with them and have built ramps out of games and books as well as doing tricks off the outdoor chairs. They are doing '360's', 'ollies' and myriad of other tricks that while they amaze me, I have no idea what they are called.
They have just invited the neighbors over for movies and popcorn and so they are all downstairs having fun. They are 8 and 7 and absolutely darling. Lucas knocks on the front window rather than the door when he wants the boys to come and play.
Sterling got fitted for orthotics today. He's 87. He desperately needs them so we have ordered them and they will be ready next week. Between glasses, braces and orthotics, the kid is falling apart. Poor bugger. I think I'll have to go out tomorrow and get him a cane, Hush Puppies, and a new toothbrush.
This blog is so awesome as it allows us to share in all that the boys do and their day to day life. It is so difficult being grandparents from afar so you have no idea how much all this news is appreciated and read even though sometimes we don't leave a comment. The photos are great, as usual. Sterling, you're falling apart but mom and dad will get you back together again, just like Humpety dumpety. Kaedo, how could mom have forgotten to bring ketchup to school? I see what you meant by saying she was "late". Have a good weekend everyone!!
Love to all
Have a great day at bowling tomorrow Sterling!
Talk to you on Sunday - THANKS FOR THE E-MAILS!
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