Wednesday 10 September 2008

some of you know

Whenever the boys go past a vending machine or a phone booth they always check for money. Weird, I know. They did this on their holidays with Amma and Baba and Baba told them that they should be careful because maybe someone will have stuck poop in the hole and they would have someone/things poop all over them. Seems like they are willing to take the chance as at soccer sign-up they were checking all the vending machines and lo and behold, Kaedo found $1. Of course he did. He finds everything. If there is a treasure to be found, he finds it. He is happy if it is even a penny.

So, I thought that while I am sure that other kids do this, it is not a regular occurrence.

This morning I stopped at a convenience store to get a lottery ticket for tonight (which I am going to win!) and guess what I see? A 30+ year old man checking the payphones.

I wonder if he ever got shit on his hand.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

The 30+ year olds checking out the payphones are usually the same ones that pick up bottles in the ditch and cigarette butts on the street. Also, they're too HIGH to notice the poop on their finger or else, they think someone's put a piece of chocolate in there. Might be their first taste of food in a couple of days as both chocolate and poop are a form of food.

I found 2 pennies yesterday, a nickel the day before and a dime at the football practice. I guess people in Ontario have more money to throw around than we westerners.

Love to all