Thursday 25 September 2008

The things you do for your kids

Another crazy morning. It is 11am and I have already had another full day. Got up with Craig at 6 - yuk and Sterling joined me at 6:30. Kaedo got up at 7:10. The plan for the morning was to go for breakfast (payday), pick up some stuff for their lunches, and get money for their Terry Fox Walk donation.

Let me begin at the beginning (?). A few weeks ago Sterling told me/showed me about a new binder that he wanted. It is call a Zwipe. It has a file thing inside and you can write notes on it (girl's phone numbers) with a special pen and I think it also allows you to put your teacher in a long-term trance to get you out of doing math. Apparently ALL of his friends have one and so he MUST get one too. We went up to Wal-Mart and they had them on sale for $4. Small problem - Sterling didn't have $4. We work on a money system here for chores - yes, I know you aren't supposed to do that, but we all do it when we work and get a paycheque, right? I told Sterling if he saved up his money, I would take him to get one.

Today we were out the door at 7:30, on our way to Barnaby's for the best breakfast in town. Yum! While there, Sterling SUGGESTED that we go up to Wal-Mart to get the food for their lunches and he could POSSIBLY look for the Zwipe. So, of course, because I am Queen Sucker Mom, up we went.

Sadness struck when we saw that obviously a whole bunch of kids had the same idea and there were none left. A small crying jag ensued and then all was OK.

"Mom, can you check at the big Wal-Mart?"

"If I have time, I will"

So, what did I do?

I dropped them off at school,

drove to Zellers - no luck

drove to Wal-Mart - no luck

drove to other Zellers - no luck

drove to Staples - LUCK!

I am so dumb!

So what did I do then, you may ask?

I wrote a cute little note on the cover, went to the school, asked that Sterling be pulled from class (probably thought he was in trouble), and presented him with his new binder.

Yes, I know I am dumb - but the look on his face and his beautiful smile turned me to mush and was well worth the $10 in gas, the cruise through two cities and having to ask the secretary to call him down.

Now all I have to do is think of something cool to do for Kaedo. It's on my list for today. Hmm, what could it be? Any suggestions?

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