Friday, 19 September 2008

biker babes

Big Day! The boys rode their bikes to school. Can you believe it? Let me start off by saying that they didn't go by themselves. I followed/went ahead of them in the van. Here's what happened. Earlier in the week, Laura invited the boys over for after school today. She wanted them to bring their bikes so they could ride with N. Well, that got the wheels turning in Sterling's mind. Next thing I know I am being bombarded with pleas allowing bike riding to school. So, you know me - I gave in. With conditions. I had to come too, I got to lay down all the rules, I would bring their backpacks, I got to take as many pictures as I wanted and if they didn't follow my rules exactly, it would never happen again. Off we went. I drove ahead a little ways then pulled over with my hazards on and waited for them. Once they caught I took some pictures/videos and then starting going again. This went on all the way to school. They did so awesome. Man, am I proud of those guys. Now I am going to spend the weekend deciding if they can go on their own. If the weather is good on Monday, I might just let them. We'll see.

Now that we have all this independence thing going, I simultaneously raveled and unraveled the cord I have tied to them. Unraveled = letting them ride their bikes to school. Raveled = got them each a cell phone.


Denis & Irene said...

Congratulations my medium boys. I thought about you all day and couldn't wait to hear how you did on your adventure to school. Mom is so pleased with the way it went.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sterling & Kaeden - you are so grown up riding your bikes all the way to school. We rode there many times with you and it's quite a ways ride. WAY TO GO!!

Dad & I were at the church this morning helping clean up bricks - we worked from 9:00 a.m. till noon. We had a quick bike to eat and then cleaned off all the apples from our lone tree. The birds have been having a ball eating the tops of them. We got about 2 dozen that we can eat and about 20 dozen to cut up into bags for apple crisps and pies. I left them in the garage and we'll do a bag one at a time. They should keep for awhile in the garage.

We're going golfing and lunch with Lionel and Jean tomorrow (18 holes) at Chinook. It's supposed to stay nice for a few days. The leaves have really started to change color (they are beautiful) and fall - hope I don't have too much trouble finding the golf ball tomorrow.

Talk to you tomorrow - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

GrmpaGrmma said...

P.S. We really didn't have "bikes" to eat for lunch!!