Wednesday, 4 June 2008

the sun is shining

Today is a good day. Seems like it has been a while. Glad to be up and working and plotting with my sis and drinking a diet coke and listening to a book and talking with my husband and wearing jeans (as opposed to sitting in my underwear) and talking to my dog and and and and....

Where can you get these drugs? I will never reveal my source!

Blogging has been sparse over the last month due to some serious work commitments and me coming up against a wall as to what to write about about. During this huge work time I created a project for an event I am attending in September. The project was not loved by my co-workers and my confidence has been a little shaky in part due to this. HOWEVER - this morning I received an email letting me know that the company that is holding the event loved the project so much they want to run in twice a day instead of the usual once a day. Deep breath. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I feel redeemed in some way.

Today is a good day. Wishing the best for yours as well.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Congrats! Smart people always know a good thing when they see it and obviously, this company employs the smartest. Seriously, art is a personal thing, you like it or you don't. I know that you know that you mustn't let your confidence flounder just because someone doesn't like something you do. I don't like Andy Warhol, but that sure didn't stop him from making a fortune.

Weather is nice today, the walk was very refreshing this morning. I get to ride home, via the soccer field, tonight. It's not a very organized event and I think only Em looks forward to it. She didn't make the whole session last week as she was too tired. She did kick the ball around for a bit and then decided to sit on it, and that was it. I'm sure that if it was better organized, the kids would get more out of it. Having said that, I'm not volunteering to do it so I shouldn't criticize.

The job's going awesome and it's almost half over. I'm going to hate leaving but there are more important things to do, like grandparenting. Those boys will be here before we know it and we can hardly wait. I'm sure you are not looking forward to them leaving but they seem so happy to be able to journey out here.

The flower is beautiful, I just love all the photos you post.

Love to all